Wasted Away (Sanders Sides)

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Ship: Anyone x Logan, preferably Roman or Virgil

Trigger warnings: Intentionally refusing self care, ED (namely, anorexia, being used as a (very harmful) coping mechanism), severe insomnia

Au: In which, after WTIT, Logan gives up on making an appearance at all. His mental health is at an all time low, and he feels as though he doesnt deserve to interact with the others, or take breaks.

This is way choppier than I usually write my prompts, its honestly just there because I could really use a distraction atm im not trying to make it perfect. If anyone would rp this it would be really nice

Basically, WTIT leaves Logan feeling extremely alone and unwanted. He feels as though Thomas doesn't care enough about him to keep him around, and so he leaves. Well, as logic he can't just duck out, like Virgil had, so he mostly just tucks himself into his room, doing his job from there.

And as time goes on, his mental health gets worse and worse. First, he starts working more and more. He "didn't deserve" the breaks he would be so adamant on taking if it were Thomas, or another side. After all, he wasn't even appearing in videos, so why should he get a break? But then he started eating less and less. It had little (if anything) to do with his weight. No, he needed something that he could control. Nothing else in his life fell into his own hands at this point but food, he could control what he ate and how much he did. Soon he began going on three, four, five day long working binges, only sleeping when he physcially couldn't hold his head up any longer. And he wasn't the only one affected by these unconscious decisions (he couldn't pull himself out of this rut on his own, nor was he actively choosing to hurt himself and therefore thomas in these ways) Remus was giving Thomas more and more intrusive thoughts, Virgil's anxiety was through the roof, Roman couldn't think up new, good ideas as he normally would, and Thomas could barely sleep at night. His common sense wasn't all that sharp either.

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