Chapter Eight

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If only there was a wayTo turn back timeSo that I could beWith youThis one last time

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If only there was a way
To turn back time
So that I could be
With you
This one last time


I woke up from my dream, tears rolling down my rosie cheeks as I saw the image of his smile one last time.

I got of the sofa and realised that yeosang wasn't back yet. I checked the time on my phone and saw that it was 12:26 am. I wanted to message him, ask him when he would be back, if he would even come back.

My fingers slowly trailed across the keybaord, constantly writing a sentence and deleting it right after. I gave up eventually, looking back at the time before exiting my apartment.

It was still raining heavily outside but the sky was clear, allowing all the glowing stars to shine in the night sky.

I held tightly onto the railing, looking down at the river under me as my tears fell uncontrollably. It was so silent outside, no cars, no people, no birds, nothing but my loud sobs where heard echoing through the night.

I later wiped all my tears away, looking back up at the stars, smiling at the brightest one that replayed only good memories of me and wooyoung.


"san, come on" wooyoung yelled with annoyance, pushing me of the bed and onto the hard wooden cold floor.

"why did you do that, it's a Saturday woo" I complained with a pout, sitting up on the floor and massaging the back of my head. "exactly its a Saturday, no college, no work, let's have some fun" wooyoung said with tones of joy, jumping up and down in bed, before helping me up of the floor and placing a soft kiss on my forehead.

"we could have just cuddled for a little longer" I mumbled hearing a sigh escape from wooyoungs mouth, later getting tackled by two strong hands and cuddled tightly to the point I could barely breath.

"is this what you want" he whispered in to my ear before snuggling his head in to the crook of my neck and placing light pecks on my skin. "yeah, just for 5 minutes" I muttered back, feeling my eyes getting heavy and asking to go back to sleep.


A single tear rolled down my cheek at the memory I wish I could go back to. I turned around, leaning my body on the railing and looking at the empty road In front of me.

I slowly walked over to the middle of the road, laying down and feeling all the rain drops caress my body before turning my head to the left and looking at the empty spot beside me, seeing wooyoung laying there, with the brightest smile on his face.

"why didn't you tell me that you were hurt" I asked with pain in my voice, seeing his smile slowly fade away. "I could have helped you" I muttered, trying to reach out to my boyfriend, but he dispareard. Again.

"come back" my voice cracked as I spoke, trying to reach my hand out to the fading figure beside me, but he still disappeared and I got blinded by a bright light.


"I told you not to do crazy stuff" the raven haired male complained as I winced from pain. "I didn't know I would end up like this you know" I replyed, rolling my eyes at the younger who was busy disinfecting my injery.

"I told yeosang that this would have been a bad idea, but no one ever listens to me" wooyoung snapped, placing some bandages and plasters on my cuts and later placing light pecks on every single one.

"I'm sorry woo, I just wanted to learn how to skateboard, it clearly isn't for me" I mumbled with sadness and disappointment, turning my gaze down to the floor. "juts be careful next time" he giggled, lifting my head up and placing his lips on mine.

I kissed him back with passion, wishing for this moment to last forever. I lightly brushed my hand through his hair, pulling him deeper in to the kiss and allowing our tongues to be perfectly in sync.

I felt his hand solwy travel up my back and his other hand wrap around my neck as we pulled away from the kiss having to catch our breaths.

"I love you" I whispered, placing my forehead against wooyoungs and smiling when I saw a light pink blush show up on his cheeks.

"I love you to".


"san" I heard someone call out my name and footsteps gradually getting closer to me before a manely figure layed down beside me with a small smile.

"how did you know I was here" I mumbled, turning my gaze from him to the shinning stars in the sky. "I didn't know" he replyed in a low tone before also turning his gaze to the stars and interlocking his hand in mine, causing my eyes to travel over to our hands with shock.

"that bright star over there, you think that's him" yeosang asked, pointing at the bright star that caused all my happy memories of wooyoung to flood my mind. "it's the brightest one, it has to be his" I replyed with a small smile on my face before yeosang got up and lended me his hand.

"come on let's go, you'll get sick" he said and I nodded, taking his hand and walking over with him to his car and back to my apartment.


"aren't the stars beautiful" wooyoung said with a bright smile, pointing at every single shinning star in the night sky. "yes they are, especially that bright one over there" I replyed, pointing at the brightest star that shone like the sun in the night sky.

"when I die, that's how bright I'll shine in the night sky, just as bright as that star" wooyoung commented and I nodded, snuggling my face in to his chest as wooyoung still admired the dozen of stars in the sky.

"are you tierd san" he whsipered in to my ear, brushing his fingers lightly through my hair as my eyes became heavy and asked for sleep.

"yeah" I mumbled and I felt wooyoung lightly move my body of his before he picked me up carefully and placed my body in the back of the car and placed a small peck on my forehead.

"Ill take us home".


Trapped in my dreams // Woosan (CURRENTLY REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now