Harrowed Soul

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After the Eklipsiar crew's successful victory and their month-long Hero's welcome in the cavern, it became clear that the war had spanned for three months and six days. Sonngild returned to the cavern, eager to reunite with his family.

However, upon his arrival, instead of his own children, he was greeted by hundreds of unfamiliar youngsters who initially mistook him for an "enemy." The children screamed in terror and some even challenged Sonngild, leaving him bewildered.

Reaper, hearing the commotion, rushed to the cavern's gates and witnessed Sonngild in an unexpected confrontation. Reacting swiftly, Reaper manifested a weapon and attacked Sonngild, catching him by surprise. Sonngild, in response, grabbed Reaper's face and threw him aside. Reaper, undeterred, continued to fight.

The scuffle persisted until Mixciu and the eldest children arrived on the scene, along with the surprise presence of Hero. To their amazement, they found it was Sonngild and Reaper locked in combat. While Sonngild seemed to derive some enjoyment from the exchange, Reaper fought on.

Mixciu intervened, urging them to stop the fight. Reaper complied and, as he turned to see Mother (Mixciu) and the rest of the family, the truth slowly dawned on the children. Mixciu explained that the ragged-looking man was her husband, causing disbelief among the kids. The older children confirmed his identity, and while they were initially wary, seeing their mother's loving embrace assured them of his kind nature.

Hero, who had been watching the match between Sonngild and Reaper in awe, was about to join the fray when Reaper halted him for reasons known only to himself. Although it raised questions, Hero respected Reaper's request and refrained from further action.

Sonngild embarked on a tour of the cavern, with Rien and his siblings as guides. He explored the cavern with pride, knowing that his wife had played a crucial role in its creation during his absence.

Though the children of the Cavern were afraid, he watched in awe and looked at them with kindness. The same warm sight that their Mother (Mixciu) gave them all. Slowly with affirmation, the children gave their warm embraced welcome to a once peripatetic man.

The reunion between Sonngild and his children was a deeply sentimental moment, marked by the emotions of long separations. He knelt down and embraced his kids, promising them that he would never leave them again.

Reaper, watching from a distance, felt a conflict brewing within. Reaper possessed the unique ability to see through falsehood, a trait inherent to her people. It left him feeling irritated, and she yearned to challenge Sonngild herself. However, Reaper wasn't alone in his desire for a battle. A group of recent troublemakers, including Ryukojo, Shoma, Varax, Kazuto, and Hero, wanted to test their mettle against a true warrior.

These six troublemakers devised a plan to challenge Sonngild to a fight, and despite Reaper's initial reluctance, they insisted and eventually won her over. They seized every opportunity to challenge Sonngild to battles, and Sonngild, who found himself somewhat bored, accepted without hesitation.

Each fight ended with Sonngild imposing heinous chores on the challengers. The children watching the battles often laughed at the troublemakers' misfortune. Despite their repeated failures, the six troublemakers remained undeterred, resolute in their determination to defeat Sonngild one day.

Sonngild advised them that he will specifically train them all under his own regiments. Including all that wishes to be trained, for he will oversee their growth of strength. As he will be the hammer and anvil that will forge the strengths of the younglings.

The 6 troublemakers protested, for it is against their will to train under an enemy. But Sonngild berated them, they can't grow without a mentor. Especially as young as they are, only the ignorant would refuse such a chance. He criticized their opposition, as to how flagrant they are. The group were in morose of Sonngild's harsh censure.

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