Death Bequeath

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2 Years Later
After the eventful march of 3 thousand, the world has come to know the existence of the Children of the Cavern. Nearby kingdoms that had witnessed the march with its nearby citizens bearing witness of such a peculiar event.

But such an event was called demonic and those witnesses had this stated,

"Apostles of devils marching upon east to conduct their rituals forcing thousands of children to march to their death."

And with that the seven nearby kingdoms had organized a large-scale plan to eradicate these 'devils' and 'save' those said sacrificial lambs.

With that being said the Higher Council of Archlestine, supported the cause of the seven kingdoms of Alandias, Laurgia, Vloskian, Proance, Manvis, Oagolin and Ausviet.

They had granted them military and economic support, and thus operation VIRTUE was conducted. Prior to their operation they had captured one of the 'Devils' with a symbol around his neck, but it was just a pendant gifted to him by Mother.

Though no matter the intentions, they mistaken it as a brand of the devil. Henceforth the plan was implemented.

In just a few days more than a hundred was immediately caught, the punishment was brutal with numerous ways of torture and death.

But it all ends with their heads staked upon their walls, not a single person questioned their ways nor the perpetrators Innocence.

And so The Children of the Cavern went into hiding, more specific back to the cavern they go.

There they held a meeting that it was either war or flee, but everyone opted for both; thus they decided the younger ones were to flee to venture out and far.

While the older ones were to wage war against all Seven kingdoms, everyone accepted the proposal and so

Hero went to the west to find his origins, Reaper went with him since the Elkronic's happens to be situated upon the same direction.

Meanwhile Kazuto headed south to go back to his clan, and Varax went to the north where their birthplace is.

And finally Ryukojo went to east where his clan and origins is located, there he would meet someone that could help the Cavern as well.

While all of that Shoma stayed in the cavern, and instigated a war against the Kingdom of Alandias. He was stationed there to seek more supporters, more specifically the poor and rebels.

Although he's young at just 16 he has the power to go head to head against an army, he proved that capability while saving a dozen of his own from an army of a hundred.

Whilst Shoma was the vice leader of Mother Cavern, the other species that dwelled in the same cavern began to spread outwards.

The Elves went Northeast.
The Dwarves and Gnomes to Northwest.
The Mermaids and to Southeast.
The Fairies and Nymphs to the West.
The Giants and Golems to the East.
The Faunas and Satyrs to the Far South.
The Floras and Dryads to the Far West.
The Halflings to the Far East.
And The Humans resided in the middle which is Alandias, and Shoma is one of it's leaders.

Then Rien asked Queath how he knew all of this, he simply said the memory of water transcends all logic than one could imagine;

And that he shouldn't ask more questions or otherwise curiosity kills the cat. Rien shunned him off and went to his siblings for their next destination, it was to the mermaid's shrine to pay their respect to their mother.

As Rien's siblings didn't get to see their mother's funeral, they thought atleast to go the shrine to see their mother's face for the last time.

And as it is Queath heard it he advised the fastest route to their destination, Rien and his siblings accepted the help and began their journey.

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