Lost King

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When Queath had massacred the 7 armies of the Seven Kingdoms, Rien and his remaining siblings had hidden away safely.

Until the battle, no Queath's massacre was finished, Rien, Xul and Shaila went out to find Queath.

After some moments had passed Xul found mounds upon mounds of dead bodies.

The horror of such sight was forever implanted in the heads of these three children, same with the sight of a dead Queath.

Standing still and cold, his left arm, right leg, right eye, his heart and part of his jaw gone. Yet he was still smiling looking upon the horizon of the gray dead sky.

It was this eventful day that would weave the strings of fate even closer, the deaths of 7 hundred thousand soldiers, 7 Commanders, death of King Warmonger and the death of two of the Prophetess' children.

Rien, Xul and Shaila corrupted by the mist of death, wailed the loudest they could've ever in their lives.

A toll of which can't simply be erased by condolences, a trauma that can't be mended by the moments of joy, an injury that can't be healed by time. It was a harrowing,

blood curdling, traumatic, eventful day. However this was yet but just the start of their journey, Rien snapped out of his sorrow and yet again took Xul and Shaila on his back and ran.

Ran towards the Cavern he needed to get there as quickly as he could, for their safety and for his and his siblings' safety.

Hours passed and the cries of sorrowful trauma was over, it rained again but it was with a reddish blood like color. The death of the Seven hundred thousand men was not to be overlooked.

The fellows of the Cavern noticed the bloody rain, and the struggling Rien. The inhabitants were overjoyed for the return of the rightful owner of the Cavern, however he came with bearing news.

And as Rien and his siblings were taking care of their injuries, Rien told Noname and the twins Armend and Arven. The three of them were currently the supervisors of the Cavern, as Shoma was still in Lukovë destroying Alandias' army camps.

And as the news reached their ears, they promised it'll reach everyone and for the meantime they can rest.

Noname held a meeting where he wanted a proper burial for Kaiya and Kitti, and of course a toast for the former King and the present day Hero, Queath the King Warmonger.

Armend and Arven made sure to bear this with everyone, meanwhile they ordered to report to Shoma about Rien's return and the massacre.

Then a couple days passed Shoma finally returned and embraced Shoma, both of them were on par and held each other close like brothers.

Shoma weeped for the losses as he was also close to the Silfur family, meanwhile Shaila was able to recover from the traumatic experience; but not for Xul he has yet lost again another parental figure.

Both Rien and Shaila tried their best, but Xul was still not smiling, unphased and depressed. This saddens them both and wonders when he can smile again.

On the other hand the funeral for Kaiya, Kitti and Queath began. A lot of them cried and wailed for Kaiya and Kitti, and a lot saluted and honored the death of King Warmonger.

Shoma asked Rien what he would do right now. Rien asked Shoma to take care of his sister Shaila and his bedridden brother in his stead. Shoma asked him why?

Though it wasn't a hard task but as their oldest brother it's his responsibility. Rien told him yes it's his responsibility, but he needed to get stronger so that he won't lose yet another brother and sister.

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