Thunder Renegade

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As the events unfold of Mixciu's death and the disbandment of the Cavern, Kazuto returns to his homeland. The country of Astvana, or the City of Chastity.

Whilst under in his codename of Kazuto, and a skin of facade he was an enslaved informant of an underground organization of Atsvana.

He was branded by a mark that signified that he was a slave, given a mission and was assigned to go to Alandias. As he was deported there by magic, he wore a disguised skin that doesn't match his native color.

He was stationed there under the preface  of spying the government of Alandias, however I his travels he was found by Mixciu eradicated the slave brand and freed him.

And as of this moment he returns to his homeland to officially leave, and the underground organization called Intshiseko.

He'll have to wreak havoc and disrupt Intshiseko, but for that he shall need allies and a much stronger and better lightning than he currently has.

The country of Atsvana is stupendously far away from Alandias, a six months journey to even reach Kasane and another two months to reach the capital Gaborone.

Henceforth as his journey is long he would need a companion, somebody he could trusts besides his brothers. And immediately right after, he asked his assistant chef.

Both of them started at the kitchen at the same time, at the young age of 8 but Kazuto learned much faster than his fellow companion.

And that companion is his mute brother in oath, Orkos. He is one that can't speak, but with his actions, it's much louder than words.

His origins were unknown besides the fact he was from Greskiya. But nonetheless Kazuto trusted him, for they are brothers much longer than the brotherhood he was in.

But it doesn't eliminate the fact that he cherishes both, hence he asked Orkos as company for his 8 months journey to Astvana Gaborone.

He nodded his head immediately and now both prepared, as they depart Shoma bid them farewell and may they reunite sooner or later.

Kazuto and Orkos wished them the best of luck in turn, and now they shall embark on a long journey that's ahead of them both.

After 2 weeks time and they've gone far away from the Cavern, Kazuto came clean to Orkos revealing his true identity.

Orkos was befuddled at his new appearance, for it wasn't something he expected. But it didn't matter much to him and still was still accepting of Kazuto.

In return Orkos revealed his powers, he kept it hidden for the fact it was nigh too powerful to control. He presented him the authority of sounds, one that he could not control perfectly.

But Kazuto told him that his real name is far different than the one he has at the moment. But Orkos stopped him from telling it, as he was surprised enough by his appearance.

Now two months later, both of them found themselves in quite the predicament. They somehow involved themselves in a slave auction, but as a product and not a bidder.

When they had entered the continent of Acrika, they were immediately tricked by an unknown man in the town of Suez of Ekripto. They were tricked when a man in a smiling mask told them a "safe" way.

Now both of them now stand in hopelessness being sold away at at slave auction. Kazuto sincerely apologized to Orkos, but he too was also at fault.

Henceforth none of them could really blame the other, now they shall wait their inevitable demise of being branded as a slave yet again. Orkos was also once a slave before his life in the Cavern.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2023 ⏰

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