Children of the Cavern

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It has been a few months since the incident, Sonngild was fully healed now and the training for the children became harsher than ever since his children also joined in.

It wasn't as hard for the boys as it did for the girls. However Rien still showed exemplary results, much better than the rest of them; too much in fact, as he surpassed the 6 troublemakers in those few months.

One day, while everyone was training Sonngild went outside the cavern for a short rest. But this time however he spotted a bird, but this bird was a Scout's Wing. A bird generally used for sending messages in long distances.

Sonngild was quite exulted, since only his brothers know where the cavern is. And he let the bird land, with the thought that it was a report on how well they've been doing so far.

So he opened the letter and there, the sight it bears was harrowing. The sight of the paper dipped in blood, and the ominous message of the word"Help" written in blood.

As he unwrapped the letter more, there dropped numerous fragments of his brother's weapons. He quickly noticed it, as it has its distinct color that varies from others.

It has been three years since he retired, but he couldn't just sit still after seeing it.

He went back inside the cavern and called off the training. The children were confused about the whole thing, they all thought they were in trouble. However there wasn't and Sonngild left them be.

All of the children were curious, but suddenly Sonngild called out to his children. And thus it began to be even more mysterious and questionable.

The 6 troublemakers are bent on finding it out, and so they followed Sonngild as discreetly as possible with their best efforts. They followed Sonngild till he grabbed Mixciu, and locked themselves up in their room.

The 6 troublemakers then leaned their ears on the door. But Sonngild made sure to sound proof the room, so it could prevent anyone from snooping around. The 6 troublemakers couldn't hear anything, and so they left.

Then Sonngild told his family that he'll be leaving, Mixciu was horrified and wept. His children however had mix reactions; the girls questioning why and the boys asked when he'll be back, however only Rien bid him good luck.

Sonngild was both dismayed and hesitant about the whole situation. He tried his best to explain that his brothers are in grave danger, and that he'll be back after knowing about the whole situation.

Mixciu was acquiescent and the children just wondered what happened and the troublemakers even insisted to come with him; but Sonngild insisted that he'll be just fine and so he left the cavern.

He took off but his flashy and vigorous departure alerted the people who were coincidentally there, and they reported gigantic bird like devils were in the mountains. This was the worst possible timing where Sonngild shouldn't have left.

Hundreds of the empire's men flooded the mountains, the loud march of it could be heard all the way to the cavern; this had very much alerted Mixciu.

As much as she is dismayed of her husband leaving, her love for the children is outweighs her grief. So in her horror she first ordered her children to stay with the 6 troublemakers.

The march of the army was getting closer and closer. Mixciu didn't have time to cry, she ordered the children of the cavern to stay at the back.

She then told Shoma to dig a room under the cavern big enough for all the children. Loud explosions began to erupt one after the other, this shook the cavern greatly like an earthquake and everyone was in distress.

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