VFlower x Reader ❤️

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This was slightly inspired by Project F by CherryWine_19 , it's really good so far and I recommend reading it if you're reading this, this was also more heavily inspired by the manga Rin-Chan Now! I also recommend it as a Vocaloid fan, considering it has a oneshot kinda feeling to it and it also being in my personal opinion the best Vocaloid manga, compared to one's like Mikubon and Hatsune Miku Future delivery. Anyways just imagine for this Vocaloids came as androids instead of boxes and cds.

Y/n's pov

Today's the day the Vocaloid I bought finally comes in! I was getting breakfast ready when I heard the doorbell ring, I ran over and opened the door, there stood a wide eyed guy, he had thin yet fluffy white hair with a couple black strands, along with lifeless, dull, purple eyes. "May I help you?" I asked, "I-I'm the Vocaloid you bought..." his voice was raspy, and he stuttered quite a bit. (I'll write a bit of stuttering, but I don't wanna write too much to not be annoying lmao so just use your imagination) "Oh yes, it's Flower right? Come on in!" He lightly smiled and walked in, every step he took I could hear his metal joints creaking, "Take a seat, You're just in time, I just finished making breakfast." He sat down, I brought over pancakes and set down a plate in front of him before sitting down with mine.

"I've never owned a Vocaloid before, so tell me a bit about yourself." "I'm V4Flower, or just Flower, I-I'm a voicebank specialized for rock, I'm also not very good with English, so sorry if i stutter." "Oh don't worry about it, anyways, rock is cool! I wish there were women Vocaloids specialized for rock though, I have a lot of songs that are written from a women's perspective, don't get the wrong idea though I'm happy with you!" He stared at me for a minute before responding, "I'm a women." "I'm so sorry! I didn't know!" "It's fine, it happens a lot." She tried to keep a smile, but i could she was disappointed. "Are you gonna eat?" She was just staring at the food "I've never eaten before." I laughed but she looked up at me, "I-Im being serious..." I stopped and apologized, "Sorry, but there's always a first time for everything!" I smiled, she glanced at me before she shakily grabbed the fork before trying a small piece. She sat there for a good minute with it in her mouth without chewing, she seemed confused, but I guess she's just never learned how to eat at all, "You're supposed to chew." She looked at me before chewing for a while, she looked at me again, waiting for instructions. "You swallow now." And with that she did. "Do I have to do it for that long every  time?" "No, but be careful not to choke by eating too fast." She smiled weakly. "I'm sorry if I annoy you, I'm not used to 'human' life, I've been in a factory my entire life." She laughed quietly. "No, don't worry about it, I'm not annoyed at all".

time skip d=(^o^)=b

Flower had been silent most of the day, I had shown her around my house along with some of the lyrics I wrote and music I made, she seemed really into them. It's now night, I finished brushing my teeth and showering, so I headed to bed, before I fell asleep I noticed a dim light in the pitch black room, grabbing my phone for a flashlight I saw Flower staring at me, shit, I forgot I don't have a guest room. Before I could offer the couch, she asked with her voice lightly trembling, "Master, may I sleep with you? New places are scary..." i was surprised, but not by the question, I must've forgotten to tell her name so she must've defaulted to master considering I do technically own her, "Sure, also my name is Y/n." "Oh okay, thank you, Master Y/n." I would love to correct her, but I don't want to embarrass her. I'll just correct her another time. (you never did) She slid under the covers beside me before plugging herself into the wall, she must have a charging port on her neck. She snuggled right into me, lightly purring. She never came off as cuddly, but I don't mind. She fell asleep before me, she looked cute asleep. Drifting off, I too fell asleep with her in my arms.

This is my longest oneshot yet lmao anyways I'm tired so imma sleep gn

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