May I Ask?

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3rd's person POV

That day, Haerin has a nice 'morning'. Heesoo comes to Haerin's home. They talk about many things and Haerin feels like she knows Heesoo a little better, except for the fact that the sun hasn't risen yet...

It starts with a bunch of bells ringing inside the house, indicating there's a guest. Minji is the first one to wake up. Without opening the door, she can see the person who's standing outside the door through a device. If Minji has to explain it, it's like a robber who rings the bell asking for permission to come in.

Knowing it's supposed to be impossible, she asks her purpose of coming over first, "Hmm, good morning, is there something I can help with?"

"Good morning, I'm looking for a girl named Kang Haerin. She said that she would explain about the head line" the girl whom Minji still doesn't know of says as she points at her own head.

"Haerin? Let me ask her first. Please wait a moment" Minji politely says and excuses herself to go up toward Haerin's room, the person who sets the meeting but ends up sleeping.

She knocks on Haerin's door, and not long after, she is greeted by the sleepy Haerin. "You know, there's a rabbit-masked person waiting for you outside"

"Huh? But it's like 1 AM in the mor...ning..."

So here they are, in Haerin's room. The fact that Haerin invites another person besides Y/n to the house is pretty delightful for Minji, so the girl lets her away this time. If only Minji knows that Haerin says it was 'her' house before...

Haerin is more surprised by the fact that Minji doesn't think weirdly of the hero because of her mask.

It hasn't been around 5 hours since they bid their goodbye. "I don't expect you to come this early...." Haerin really has nothing to say. It's partly her fault as well as she didn't specify the hour.

"Sorry" it's just a word, but Heesoo says it whole-heartedly, she's seriously thinking that she has ruined someone's morning.

"No no no, it's okay. I'm just... speechless"

Heesoo is roaming around the room like she hasn't seen anything like them. Widescreen television, touchscreen computer, or automatic air conditioner. Everything seems to be very modern for Heesoo, while Haerin doesn't mind that.

In that house, Haerin's room is most likely to be the most modern, even the living room doesn't look like it.

After collecting things that are needed to simplify her explanation, Haerin sits on the couch along with Heesoo.

"This is a newspaper" Haerin opens the newspaper wide, showing all the pages. With her finger points at a section, "if you see here, this is written by a journalist, so this is my job, to write something like this"

Heesoo nods in understanding.

"It's similar to an intel job," Heesoo said.


"No, never mind, please continue."

"Next, we have a magazine. If newspapers provide information about current issues in our country or maybe in the world, magazines present specific contents and usually it's not as formal as the newspaper"

It can be seen that Heesoo takes an interest in the magazine as she reads the article out loud, "Your Villain Academia's studio confirms the production of the seventh season has started. What to expect in this final season?"

The picture of the main character is included, Heesoo stares at the photo for quite some time. "The mask and the outfit he's wearing look very cool...."

Haerin can definitely tell the difference, she admits that the design is crazily amazing, but she can't say that to Heesoo's blue rabbit mask, can she?

"If you help me with my job, I can give you those new outfits" if there were no masks attached, Haerin would see Heesoo's shining eyes looking at her.

"What can I do?" the hero says enthusiastically, but it doesn't take long until she realizes something, "-but I still have to go 'there' every night"

There's no need for Haerin to think about it so hard as she has already understood. Heesoo still has to fight the bad guys at night.

"Why does it have to be in that building?" Haerin uses this chance to know something she hasn't known. Of course, she's not trying to be a prying person. If Heesoo won't tell her, then she doesn't need the answer, but in fact, Heesoo has no problem. She seems to believe in Haerin deeply.

"I'm a part of guardians of the galaxy" which Haerin only replies with a nod. Well, what should Haerin do with that information?

"I come here with my own intention. In my world, the 'gate to everywhere' opens just for 5 minutes every night. If they are teleported to this world, then their location will always be in that building" Heesoo explains something very fantastical. Now, Haerin knows that Heesoo is not from here, from this universe specifically. That explains a lot why the hero doesn't understand the things Haerin says to her.

It turns out that Heesoo hasn't finished, "There aren't lots of people trying to go to another world, but the ones to do so usually want to change something, that's why I have to prevent that"

"I see, so it's okay as long as our job doesn't take your time at night, right?" Haerin doesn't pry any further. She tries not to be very surprised either. After receiving confirmation from Heesoo, Haerin starts to explain her plan.

"What do you think of people knowing your existence? Do you have any resistance?" Haerin starts with the easiest question, at least for her. Haerin doesn't even know why she decide to end her questions with ryhme. Don't judge her.

"Hmm, to be honest, it's not that I mind, but they don't need to know. If they end up finding out, then it's okay"

Haerin feels a sense of relief, that way she doesn't have to compel the latter to do things she doesn't want. However, isn't Heesoo just the humblest person in the world? She fights against bad people without any rewards. That makes Haerin curious about how the hero is able to survive until now.

"Do you have a place to live?" Haerin will obviously offer a place if Heesoo says no, but she actually has it. She lives with friends named Grace and Kazuha. Haerin thought they were foreigners at first, but Heesoo says it's for safety purposes, so no one would look for them.

The hero also tells Haerin that her friends teach her how to ride skateboards, and things under the sea, and really care about her a lot.

"I don't wear my mask around them" and this has gone too far. She manages to make Haerin jealous with that statement. Haerin is really curious now.

Heesoo's tall figure, how she uses her choice of words, and her cheerful personality simply reminds Haerin of someone else.

"Aw, I'm jealous. When I get to see your face?" Haerin pouts, and Heesoo just laughs upon hearing it.

"Well, someday?"          

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