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*flashback to Haerin's past*

"We are the superior ones. We can always be proud of it" that's how the current teacher ended her lecture. A part of the students could be seen smiling at the statement, while the rest weren't showing any emotion, obviously getting used to it. Was it supposed to be normal or not when they get reminded every day of that?

The recess time started and the students assembled themselves to report their destination for an annual project. Every voice in the classroom was either covering or being covered by others, creating layers of voices.

Asking, discussing, considering, and answering.

"Where are you going this year, Haerin?" a new voice was approaching, the owner is someone whom Haerin knew, Danielle. And the question, for Haerin at least, was not hard to answer.

They made an inquiry as if their choices would make any difference to the program and their life.

A program that was made to reduce the possibility of people pledging for the same right. To make some parts of society feel important. As if there was no discrimination.

"I'm going to go to the agriculture sector"

"Are you kidding me? Again?" Haerin could see how Danielle's face changed almost quickly when she said that. Why did people think that she was stupid for going into that sector? That's where their staple food came from.

"You have been there like 2 times already. And you will spend your last time going there for the third time? You don't even create something related to cultivation, agriculture, or whatever they are. Why don't you choose something else like social, education, or art district?" Danielle's face was really showing how disappointed she was right now. It's true that Haerin never created something related just as Danielle said. However, that didn't mean she could degrade her pride.

The main reason, was probably because Haerin was not going to the same destination as her. Danielle always says that she wants to go with Haerin together, but she's not interested in agriculture. As a tremendously ambitious person, she tried to never let her dream be affected by another factor.

However, Haerin has made up her mind, "That doesn't mean you can only learn about the specific subject the sector can offer. You don't even try going to that place"

"Okay, I'm sorry. You can go anywhere you want. You can sit now, I will tell your pick to the class leader" Danielle sighed and shrugged her shoulder, then she went to Hong Eunchae, the class leader she mentioned.

Thanks to Danielle, Haerin could go back to her seat right away.

And thanks to Danielle again, now she was imagining something else.

How did all of this thing start?

For a moment, Haerin would become a philosopher. 'Create, huh?'

Right, they were called the "creator", a certain person who had the knowledge and ability to create something new. They use their brain to the maximum capacity, in short, 'Big Brains'

Born in a world where luck, money, and nepotism wouldn't save them. There were lots of positive things they could get as well as negative things. Every person was rated and judged based on their capability. A crazy amount of admiration or appreciation and there's a perception that those below the creator level would only hinder the creator itself.

Just like those people who didn't even help during group assessment, the 'encumbrance'? That's how to put it simply.

This sounded like something that was able to establish a revolution or evolution if the world's system wasn't like this, to begin with.

It's not the end, they also lived in different places.

Naturally, every country divides its own territory into 3 parts.

Central, Middler, and Outlier.

Central is for the creator, a place where creators keep competing in order to build new technology.

Middler is where the 'innovators' live, they aren't able to create something new, but they can find another function, or maybe add some modifications to make things more sophisticated.

For innovators, they are allowed to visit Central with the aim of collecting ideas, especially when there's an exhibition for the latest technology.

Lastly, live in the area of Outlier, where the borderline between another country and there is where the 'Dreamers' live. To those who can only imagine, who can only dream, but don't have the capability to make it come true.

Outlier's environment is not really old school like a village or somewhere in rural, but of course, the difference between Outlier and Central is too much. Outlier does receive some technology from Central, but not all of the people can use them like public goods.

Every country is indistinguishable to some extent. Maybe they have their own cultural universals, but still, you can't unsee the hierarchy.

That's where a project was introduced. Every creator, in their high school, every year, was tasked with visiting Outlier. A lot of them followed the program to show off and thought of them as a holiday trip, but there were some people who consider this project seriously to gather new ideas.

And Haerin is one of the people who take it earnestly.

Oof, was that how Haerin thought of herself? Hmm, at least that's how the author thought about Haerin.

She didn't really interested in agriculture, just like what Danielle said. Every task she did was mostly related to education or social.

However, more than everything those sectors could offer, the main reason why she always chose to go to the same district was that she had someone to see there.

Someone who gave a picture more transpicuous than her friends, someone who could free her from the pressure of being a creator, and someone who was always in her mind all the time.

She guessed the memory of their first meeting was still running free in her mind, and refused to let go. Without realizing it, her lips had already formed a smile, like a crescent moon.

'Can't wait to see Y/n," that's what Haerin thought about all day.

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