Dragon Training

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Astrid was inside her house looking after her little sister where she had thought about what she was doing

"(This reminds me of when I babysat Alya's little sisters and Manon together those three were little rascals but at least I got training to look after little kids like my sister.)" Astrid thought as she smiled then she put a bit of her sister's hair behind her ear which woke her up

"Big sis." Astra said

"It's alright go back to sleep." Astrid whispered

"Can you read me one of those modern-day child books you have." Astra said

"One story wouldn't hurt you, okay you stay here while I go to my bedroom a get a child's book that would be a good read for you." Astrid said as she got up then she walks down to her bedroom where she went to a hidden compartment where she hid the books then she picked up one called the very hungry caterpillar then she walked back up to her sister's room after she closed the hidden compartment then she sat next to her sister's bed

"This story is called a hungry caterpillar." Astrid said as she read the book to Astra

In the Great Hall

Every adult of the tribe is inside the Great Hall where they are talking over each other until someone tells them to shut up then they start to listen to their chief.

"We have 3 months until winter rolls around, we need to find the dragon's nest so we can get them out of their home so they can find another home and leave us alone so we can deal with the Outcasts instead of the dragons." Stoick said as he stabbed the map of where the dragon's nest is

"The ships never return home." Viking shouted

"It's suicide." Another Viking shouted

"I think I left something over the oven." Another Viking shouted

"I have Axe taxes to do." Another Viking shouted as more Vikings threw out more excuses until Stoick said something that made them quickly volunteer

"Alright, whoever wants to stay can look after Hiccup." Stoick said then every Viking raised their hands then they all left the Great Hall to get ready

"All right I'll pack my undies." Gobber said as he got up from the floor

"No, I need you to stay here and train the teenagers in dragon training." Stoick said as Gobber sat back down with a sigh

"Then that means Hiccup will work in the forge." Gobber said

"What am I going to do with him Gobber? He's becoming like his mother every day, it's only a matter of time before he starts spouting that dragons are not evil like his mother did before the 4-winged devil took her away from us when Hiccup was only 5 years of age." Stoick said

"You won't be here to protect him forever Stoick, one of these days you got to let him go sooner or later." Gobber said

"I know that's why I strip him of his heir title since he's not ready to become chief in the future and it wasn't the council's idea either, it was me who told him that in front of the tribe because I want a father-son relationship when I retire from being chief and if he was still heir I wouldn't get that with him." Stoick said

"You wouldn't know that Stoick what if he followed you everywhere while you were doing your chief work, he would help you would you get that with Snotlout no because he is too lazy to even do any work." Gobber said

"That's why I will give him his heir position back if he kills a dragon." Stoick said

"Hiccup could be out finding a dragon to kill as we speak so he can show you that he can kill a dragon." Gobber said

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