Releasing the Red Death

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Out in the middle of the ocean were 10 ships full of Viking Warriors and in the lead ship was Stoick and Gobber with the council

"Stoick, I'm not doubting your decision, but what is the plan when we land on the island?" Gobber asked

"We send them running so they don't raid us again." Stoick said

"Ah, the old Viking tactic, good choice." Gobber said then they felt the ship stop as they looked up and saw they were in front of the giant fog wall

"Shout out you position we are going in." Stoick said as every Viking shouted out every order as they sailed into the fog bank as they all maneuvered around the sea stacks and as they got out they saw a volcano in front of them then the ship hit land.

"Get everything set up while the Council and I think up a plan." Stoick shouted as every Viking quickly went to work

On the isle of Berk

Astrid was still finding the teens until she found them on the steps of the great hall so she went over to them

"Guys the adults are in big trouble if they open the nest up." Astrid said

"Astrid, relax on that island are our most experienced warriors, nothing on that island can kill them not even a bunch of dragons." Snotlout said

"They wouldn't survive what Hiccup and I saw when we went to the nest last night. This thing that's in there are 2 dragons whole." Astrid said

"There's no such thing as a dragon that can eat another dragon. I should know since I studied every dragon from the Dragon book multiple times." Fishlegs said which made Astrid groan

"(I really want to use my magic to show these guys what Hiccup and I saw but I can't do that since I have to keep my magic a secret until we are older.)" Astrid thought then she had an idea

"Fine if you guys don't want to help us when we do defeat this dragon only Hiccup and I will get all the glory and praise while you guys get nothing or you can help me and Hiccup while also getting your own dragon to train and ride." Astrid said

"I would be a badass riding a monstrous nightmare into battle." Snotlout said then he leaned into Astrid's personal space

"And after the battle I would get a kiss from the beautiful maiden." Snotlout flirted which disgusted Astrid as she pushed Snotlout away

"Kiss Ruffnut instead." Astrid said which made Snotlout think

"Kiss Ruffnut, now that's an idea in the future." Snotlout said which made Ruffnut blush slightly as she has a slight crush on Snotlout.

"Then what are we waiting for, Hiccups waiting for us at the arena." Astrid said they ran to the arena

On Dragon Island

"When we crack this mountain open all hell will be unleashed." Stoick said

"It's a good thing I brought extra undies for this." Gobber said which disgusted the other Vikings or heard him

"Fire!" Stoick shouted as the Viking let the rocks fly through the air and crashed into the mountain as one lucky rock opened up a hole in the mountain which made and the others walk forward and Stoick gave the signal for a flaming boulder which got received as the Viking launched the flaming boulder into the hole and they saw it was clogged up with dragons so Stoick and the others all charged at the dragons but they weren't hitting or killing any of them as the dragons all flew out while shouting warnings at them on what they just released but the Vikings couldn't hear them since they can't understand dragon tongue

"Is that it did we win?" Gobber asked then he and the others cheered while Stoick didn't as he was remembering what Hiccup said just before he left the Great Hall

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