Dragon War Ends

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The Vikings saw the Red Death stand back up and fly in the air as it chased Hiccup through the air

"Night Furys are supposed to be fast right?" Gobber asked

"Yeah they are supposed to be." Fishlegs said

"Then why is the Red Death keeping up with Hiccup then?" Gobber asked

"Because Hiccup needs to figure out the Red Deaths' weakness before he defeats her." Astrid said as they saw Red Death ram through the sea stacks which shocked the Vikings on the shore

With Hiccup and Toothless

"Okay I need a new plan before I get eaten by her." Hiccup said as he searched for something then he looked up and saw dark clouds and he smiled

"Alright Toothless go up to the dark clouds, it's time to use your stealth to our advantage." Hiccup said as he directed Toothless up to the dark clouds while on the ground the Vikings were watching what Hiccup is doing

"Where is he going?" Gobber asked

"He's using the dark clouds to his advantage since Night Furys can hide in dark areas." Fishlegs said

"That's smart." Gobber said

With Hiccup and Toothless

"Cmon Toothless let's lose her in the dark clouds and use this to our advantage." Hiccup said as they disappeared in the clouds just as the Red Death tried to eat them but she lost them

"Where are you insolent pest?" Red Death roared which was heard by the Vikings on the ground

"That roar can't be good." Gobber said

"Yeah let's hope Hiccup is alright up there." Stoick said while Astrid was staring up at the sky chewing her nails in fear that Hiccup would get injures or worse die

"Stay safe Hiccup please." Astrid whispered

Up in the clouds Hiccup and Toothless were circling around the Red Death trying to see on how to injured her while they were hearing her throw out threats

"Where are you, you annoying pests?" Red Death asked

"Okay Toothless lets aim for wings which would make her not be able to slow down or fly anymore." Hiccup whispered to Toothless who nodded his head then they went higher in the dark clouds then they dived bomb as Toothless blasted her wing as he went through the hole then into the dark clouds to prepare for another attack run

"Ow! That bloody hurt." Red Death said as she tried to find them then she felt pain on her other wing as she turned around and tried to find them but couldn't while on the ground they heard the Red Desth's roar then they saw plasma blasts going off which made them awed at the sight

"Every dragon has six shots but the Night Fury went past six and it's still going." Fishlegs said as he was in shock at how many shots the Night Fury let out

Up in the sky

"Okay Toothless one more blast on her wing." Hiccup said as they dived down then they blasted another hole in her wing then they disappeared into the clouds.

"I had enough of this you better come out of hiding or I'll force you out of hiding." Red Death threatened but she didn't see them come out

"Well I warned you so get ready for my flame attack." Red Death said as she let out a stream of fire as she spun around in circles making the fire go into clouds which made Hiccup saw

"Watch out!" Hiccup said as he tried to dodge the flames but it clip Toothless prosthetic tail fin and it caught on fire

"Fuck the tail fin won't hold any longer so let's end this now." Hiccup said as he made Toothless dive bomb where they flew in front of the Red Deaths face

Httyd The Red Death death or End of the Dragon warWhere stories live. Discover now