Cat Nip for Dragons

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When the morning rolled around Hiccup got out of bed then he got dressed where he picks up the grass Toothless landed in then he put it in his pocket so no one can see he is cheating then he walked downstairs where he picked up his sword then he walked out of his house then he walked to the forge where he saw Gobber inside

"Hey, Gobber." Hiccup greeted Gobber as he walks inside

"Hiccup did you repair every weapon that was damaged?" Gobber asked

"Yeah, I had three days of free time, so I used that time to repair every weapon that was damaged doing the raid we had a week ago." Hiccup said

"Well good job and if you want to know when dragon training will be it will be this afternoon so you will have time to get what you want to do." Gobber said as he walks out of the forge but before he leaves and turns back to Hiccup

"Hiccup you'll be facing against the Gronckle again." Gobber said as he saw Hiccup giving a nod then he left and walked to the arena to get it ready

When Gobber left Hiccup went into the back room where he started to draw up plans on how to control the tail then he came up with one where he would use his foot to control it instead so he put his notebook away so he can do it later tonight when everyone else is asleep

When the afternoon rolled around the teens walked inside the arena to get ready for another day of dragon training then they saw Gobber standing outside and he was above the Gronckle's cage

"Today we are going back to the Gronckle so good luck!" Gobber shouted

"Meatlug do you remember the plan." Stormfly said

"Yeah, leave the hatchling with the Night Hunter scent for last and eliminate the other hatchlings so I can leave him for last then when I go near him, I can smell with he still has the Night Hunter scent and possibly getting trained by him." Meatlug said as she heard her cage was being opened so she barged out where she flew around to get the feeling back into her wings before she goes after the teens

Astrid was looking at the dragon like it was an akumatized villain and she was thinking of a plan to take down the dragon

"(Okay tough skin, can maneuver on the spot very fast, tail is like a club, so I better aim for its head.)" Astrid thought as she ran around the arena

The Twins tried to bash their heads into the dragon, but it moved out if the way making them knock each other out as Meatlug just flew away laughing

"What a bunch of idiots trying to bash me with their heads, that wouldn't work." Meatlug said as she went flying around then she saw Fishlegs shaking so all she did was roar at him to make him run and that what she did, and he went running out of the arena

"Well, that was easy so who's next to get out." Meatlug said then she saw Snotlout holding out a shield, so she went over and used her tail to bash him away and she sent him flying

"Where is that girl hatchling?" Meatlug asked then she felt something crash into her and she saw a shield on the ground next to her

"Where did this come from?" Meatlug asked then another shield crashed into her but from a different direction then she saw Astrid running over to another shield that was on the ground then she picked it up where she saw she was going to throw at her so Meatlug went over to her

"Found you hatchling trying to confuse me by throwing shields from different directions well think again." Meatlug said then she saw a shield coming towards, so she blasted it which cause her to lose sight of where Astrid went since she blows up the shield a bit too close to her then she felt something on her tail, so she looks back and saw Astrid trying to hold her down

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