Scary Dragons afraid of Eels

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When Hiccup sat down Astrid looked at him and she knew that he trained the Night Fury, so she smiled in her head

"(He trained the Night Fury does that mean he's going to cheat his way through dragon training.)" Astrid thought then he heard Gobber telling a story

"Before you guys were born, I still had my limbs until that fateful day when a dragon bite my hand clean off then a couple of weeks later the same dragon thought I was tasty that he bite my foot off and I thought he was going to eat the rest of me but Stoick came and killed the dragon before it could finish me off then Stoick carried me to Gothi's where I passed out halfway to her hut because when I woke up I saw that I had a peg leg as my leg from now on." Gobber said

"Would it be strange that you hand would be still alive inside the dragon's stomach that you can still control that you crush the dragon's heart from the inside killing it instantly." Fishlegs said as Snotlout looked at him weirdly

"I swear I'm so fucking angry that I'll avenge your beautiful foot and hand by cutting off every dragon's legs off and see how they like it with my face because I am beautiful aren't that right babe." Snotlout flirted with Astrid who just rolled her eyes

"(He's just like Adrien when he flirted with me as Chat Noir.)" Astrid thought

"You are an idiot how will you get through their tough scales." Astrid said as she smiled seeing Snotlout come up with an excuse

"Shut up Astrid." Snotlout said

"It's the wings and the tail fins you need to cut off, if any of those are gone a dragon is grounded making it a dead dragon to anything that all kill it." Gobber said as everyone nodded except for Hiccup who looks down in wonder

"Alright everyone in 3 days we'll be training against the Zippleback so get ready to train because the best recruit will have the chance to kill the Monstrous Nightmare." Gobber said then he stood up and started to head home

"It's gonna be me who will kill the Monstrous Nightmare see it's my destiny." Tuffnut said as he showed them something on his arse

"How did mom let you have a tattoo?" Ruffnut asked after she gasped

"It's not a tattoo it's a birth mark." Tuffnut said

"How I have been with you since birth, and I haven't seen that on you?" Ruffnut asked

"It's because you haven't seen me on the left side before." Tuffnut said then the Twins started to fight each other while Hiccup used the distraction and he left to go to the forge to craft a tail fin for Toothless after what Gobber said then Astrid saw Hiccup leave and she knew what he was going to do

When Hiccup made it to forge, he went into his office where he took out his notebook and he started to draw a new tail fin and after he was done, he went to work on it

Hiccup started to heat up the forge where he started to work on the tail fin by melting down the metal to turn them into marbles then he created couple of rods, then he used the leather to create the tail then he connected everything together creating the tail fin so when he was done, he opened the tail fin multiple times after he did that he smiled and gave a nod at his creation so he walked to his house where he put the tail fin inside then he ran to the storage shed where he collected every kind of fish even an eel and after he was done he put it in a container where he carried to his home where he put it in the same place as the tail fin then he went to bed and sleep

When the morning rolled around Hiccup woke up and he picked up the tail fin and the basket of fish then he exited out the back door where he looks into the village to see if anyone was and when he saw no one was watching he quickly ran into the forest where he went to the cove and entered

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