Prologue | Chapter 1 - Council of the Stars

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Asteria Kingdom

The hidden kingdom in the far east of Elibe, surrounded by a vast ocean and protected by a powerful magic barrier. For centuries, its people have lived in peace and prosperity, developing their culture and technology to unparalleled heights.

Known for its magnificent architecture, its diverse art and music, its advanced medicine and education, and its harmonious relationship with nature.

Asterians value wisdom, creativity, and cooperation above all else. They use a unique form of magic that combines elemental forces with scientific principles.

They have invented many wonders that other nations can only dream of, such as airships, automatons, communication devices, and more.

However, Asteria has also neglected its military strength, having no wars or conflicts to test their skills. They prefer diplomacy over violence and have little knowledge of the outside world's history and politics.

Aware of the prophecy that foretells their fate: that soon the barrier will fall and they will have to face the dangers and wonders of Elibe...

The Council of the Stars was the highest governing body of Asteria, second only to the king himself. It was composed of eighteen members, each representing a different aspect of the kingdom's affairs. They met regularly in a circular hall at the heart of the royal palace, where they discussed and decided on matters of state.

The king was the head of the council and had the final say on all matters. The prince was his heir and successor, and had a voice in all decisions.

On the king's right side sat the Secretary of State, who was in charge of coordinating and overseeing all government activities. Next to him was the Lord Chancellor, who was responsible for drafting and sealing all official documents. Then came the Royal Legislative Liaison, who acted as a bridge between the council and parliament.

On their left side sat the ministers of the thirteen ministries that managed various sectors of Asteria's society. They were:

The Minister of Culture, Media, and Heritage, who promoted and preserved Asteria's arts, literature, music, and traditions.

The Minister of Education and Sports, who ensured that all citizens had access to quality learning and physical activities.

The Minister of Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs, who protected and enhanced Asteria's natural resources and agricultural production.

The Minister of Housing and Communities, who provided affordable and comfortable living spaces for all citizens.

The Minister of Science, Innovation, and Technology, who supported and advanced Asteria's research and development in various fields.

The Minister of Commerce, who regulated and stimulated Asteria's trade and economy.

The Minister of Transport, who maintained and improved Asteria's roads, and operated public transport.

The Minister of Health and Social Care, who ensured that all citizens had access to quality health and welfare services.

The Minister of Defense and Security, who defended Asteria from external and internal threats and maintained peace and order.

The Minister of Justice and Order, who upheld Asteria's laws and administered justice fairly and impartially.

The Minister of newly created Minister of Foreign Relations and Affairs, who represented Asteria's interests and values in the international arena.

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