Chapter 10 - Footsteps of Fate

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"Oh, my heart! What a dazzling vision of loveliness!" He exclaimed, gazing at Lyn with admiration. The man was dressed in green armor with messy dark green hair and had a confident demeanor.

"Hm?" Lyn said, unsure of how to react to the stranger's bold words.

Undeterred, the man pressed on. "Wait, O beauteous one! Would you not favor me with your name? Or better yet, your company?" He boldly asked, while Astrid kept a watchful eye on him with his hand on his dagger.

Lyn stepped forward and asked. "Where are you from, sir knight, that you speak so freely to a stranger?"

"Ha! I thought you'd never ask! I am from Lycia." The Lycian knight declared, his tone proud.

"I hail from the Caelin canyon, home to men of passion and fire!" He added.

"Shouldn't that be 'home to callow oafs with loose tongues'?" Lyn retorted, unimpressed with the stranger's grandiose claims.

"Ooooh... You're even lovely when you're cruel." He said, unfazed by Lyn's snarky remark.

"Let's go, Astrid. I've got nothing more to say." Lyn said, eager to leave the strange encounter behind.

As they walked, Lyn couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched. She turned around and saw Sain standing in the distance, looking at her with a longing expression.

"Wait! Please..." He called out, his voice filled with regret.

As Lyn and Astrid walked away, Sain couldn't help but be intrigued by Lyn's beauty and her sharp wit.

The knight couldn't help but feel drawn to Lyn's fiery spirit and sharp wit, even if she had no interest in him. "Ah, what a woman. So beautiful, so fierce. She's a rare gem, that one." He said to himself, still smiling despite the rejection.

But Lyn was not one to let a flirtatious knight get the last word. "If you're looking for a gem, you might want to try the jeweler's. They have plenty of pretty stones to admire." She called out to him, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

The knight just chuckled. "My dear, you wound me with your words. But fear not, for my heart is as resilient as my sword." He said, twirling his lance?... around in a flashy display.

Astrid couldn't help but think about the knight's comment about his "resilient sword." He couldn't help but find it amusing that Sain was twirling his lance around in a flashy display, despite claiming to have a sword.

Astrid couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. 'Resilient as his sword?'

He thought. 'But he's holding a lance. Maybe he's not as skilled as he thinks.'

Astrid couldn't help but stifle a chuckle at the thought. 'That's a weird sword if I've ever seen one.'

Lyn rolled her eyes. "Your heart may be resilient, but I doubt the same can be said for your honor. You're nothing but a skirt chaser." She retorted, her voice cold.

Astrid whispered, his hand still on his dagger. "We have no time for this, Lyn. Let's focus on the task at hand." His voice firm.

"Ah, my lady, you cut me to the quick with your sharp tongue. But fear not, for my heart is as strong as steel, and your words cannot wound it." The knight called out after them, his horse trotting alongside them.

Lyn rolled her eyes. "Save your flattery for someone who's interested, sir knight. I am not one of them." She said, her tone dismissive.

Astrid spoke up, his voice cold and firm.. "You heard her. We have business to attend to. Please do not follow us."

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