Chapter 17 - Glass Battle

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The sound of the crumbling wall echoed throughout the temple as it fell to the ground, causing dust and debris to fill the air. Inside the temple, the bandits and mercenaries looked up in shock as they realized what had happened.

Glass, the mercenary leader, quickly assessed the situation and realized that his plan to steal the sacred sword, the Mani Katti, was in jeopardy. He ordered his men to form a defensive line in front of the hole of the shrine.

"Stay alert!" Glass barked.

"We don't know how many of them are out there, but we won't let them take what is rightfully mine!"

The bandits, armed with swords and axes, stood at the ready, waiting for the inevitable attack. Meanwhile, Astrid, Lyn, Kent, and Sain cautiously made their way into the temple, weapons at the ready.

Astrid scanned the room, looking for any signs of danger. His anima magic crackled in his fingertips, ready to be unleashed at a moment's notice. Lyn, her eyes blazing with determination, led the charge, her sword held high.

"Let's go!"

The group charged forward, ready to take on the bandits and mercenaries.

As the first wave of bandits charged towards them, Astrid stood tall and composed, his anima magic pulsing with energy.

With a swift hand gesture, he summoned a bolt of lightning that arced through the air and struck the ground in front of the charging bandits. The resulting shockwave electrified the entire first line of bandits, sending them tumbling to the ground in a heap.

Astrid's eyes narrowed as he surveyed the chaos he had just unleashed, and he signaled to his companions to take advantage of the momentary confusion.

"Now's our chance." He shouted, his voice carrying over the sounds of battle. "Push forward and take them down while they're still reeling!"

As the electrified bandits fell to the ground, the others charged forward with their weapons drawn. Astrid jumped back, his hands still crackling with electricity as he surveyed the chaotic scene.

Lyn and Kent were fighting side by side, their swords moving in perfect harmony as they took on multiple bandits at once.

Sain was weaving in and out of the fray, his sword flashing as he made quick work of the enemy.

As the battle raged on, the group slowly began to gain the upper hand. Kent and Sain fought in perfect harmony, their swords moving as one. Lyn darted around the room, striking her enemies with lightning-fast blows. And Astrid, his anima magic at the ready, unleashed powerful spells that sent the bandits reeling.

Glass sneered as he watched them approach.

"You fools!" He shouted.

"Who do you think you are? What chances do you think you have against me?" He tried to provoke them.

Lyn stepped forward, her grip tight on her own sword.

"We'll see about that." She said, her voice laced with determination.

The two clashed swords, the sound of steel ringing through the temple. As the battle raged on, Astrid stepped forward, his hands crackling with magical energy.

"I'll take care of the others." He said, his eyes glowing with intensity. "You focus on him."

With a nod, Lyn continued her fierce duel with Glass, while Astrid unleashed his anima magic on the bandits who had gathered around them.

Astrid raised his hand and sent a bolt of lightning at the nearest bandit, who fell to the ground with a scream. He smirked and looked at the others.

"Anyone else want to try their luck?"

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