Chapter 22 - Round Two | Warriors' Dance

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As they prepared for the second round, the two pairs decided to switch partners. Kent and Sain exchanged a stern nod, while Lyn and Astrid smiled at each other with eagerness.

Kent sternly looked at Sain and said. "Don't let your guard down. Remember, we're here to spar, not to chase skirts."

Sain chuckled and replied. "Relax, Kent. I know when to focus. And besides, it's not every day we get to spar with such lovely lady."

Kent shook his head and muttered. "Sometimes I wonder how you became a knight."

Lyn watched the exchange with amusement before turning to Astrid. "So, what's your strategy for this match?" She asked.

Astrid grinned and said. "I'm thinking of testing your technique and endurance. See how you handle it."

Lyn nodded in agreement. "Sounds like a challenge. I'm ready for it."

As Lyn and Astrid stepped forward to face each other, the energy in the arena seemed to intensify. Lyn was eager to test her skills against the enigmatic prince, while Astrid's eyes glinted with amusement at the prospect of facing his own pupil.

Lyn drew her sword and took a defensive stance, her eyes narrowed in concentration. Astrid, meanwhile, stood tall and confident, his own sword at the ready.

The two began to circle each other, searching for an opening. Lyn was quick and agile, darting in and out of Astrid's range with ease. Lyn had seen Astrid's fluid, unorthodox style in action during the first round, and knew she would have to be prepared for anything. But he seemed content to let her come to him, his eyes flickering with amusement.

Astrid, for his part, was intrigued by Lyn's quick reflexes and aggressive approach. He had watched her fight from the sidelines during the first round, and had been impressed by her skill and tenacity.

The two combatants clashed, their swords ringing out with a wooden thwack. Lyn launched a flurry of strikes, each one aimed with precision and speed. Astrid countered with a series of acrobatic moves, dodging and weaving around Lyn's attacks.

Lyn was fast and nimble, but Astrid's movements were calculated and precise. He seemed to anticipate her every move, countering her attacks with ease.

"You're good." Lyn said, panting slightly as they broke apart.

"But not good enough." Astrid replied with a smirk.

Lyn gritted her teeth and charged forward again, her sword flashing in the light. Astrid parried her strike effortlessly, then countered with a swift strike of his own.

Lyn stumbled backward, her sword arm shaking from the force of the blow. But she quickly regained her footing and launched another attack.

Astrid analyzed every move Lyn made, offering guidance and feedback along the way. "You're telegraphing your attacks too much, Lyn."

Astrid said as he dodged one of her swings. "You need to keep your movements more fluid and unpredictable."

Lyn nodded and adjusted her stance, taking Astrid's advice to heart. She charged at him again, her movements more controlled and precise this time. But Astrid was not one to be underestimated, and he easily parried her blows with his own sword.

"Good form, Lyn." Astrid said with a smirk. "But you still have a lot to learn."

As the two continued to spar, Sain and Kent were in their own match, their clashing swords echoing through the training grounds. Sain's roguish nature was on full display as he taunted Kent, trying to throw him off his game.

"You know, Kent, I think you could use a little more excitement in your life." Sain said with a smirk. "Maybe a few more ladies, a little less rule-following?"

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