Prologue | Chapter 2 - Prince Astraeus

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The night before the fated meeting...

Prince Astraeus knocked on the door of his father's study. He heard a voice from inside.

"Come in."

He opened the door and entered. He saw his father, under the midnight oil, sitting at his desk, surrounded by books and papers.

'Always a workaholic...' Astraeus thought with smile, his father deeply cared for his kingdom and its citizens.

He looked up and smiled. "Ah, my son. What brings you here?"

Astraeus walked towards him and bowed. "Father, I wanted to talk to you about something important."

King Andromedus gestured for him to sit down. "Of course. What is it?"

Prince Astraeus took a deep breath and spoke.

"Father, you know that tomorrow is the day of the council meeting. The one where they will discuss the future of our kingdom and our relations with the outside world."

"Yes, I know. It is a very important meeting indeed." Andromedus nodded.

Astraeus continued. "Father, I have been thinking a lot about this topic. About our kingdom and its isolation. About our people and their ignorance. About the prophecy..."

His father looked at him with curiosity. "And what have you concluded?"

Astraeus looked at him with determination. "I have concluded that we need to change. We need to open our eyes and see the world as it is. We need to learn from others and share with them. We need to find out who we are and what we can do."

"That is a bold conclusion indeed. And how do you propose we do that?" Andromedus raised his eyebrows.

Astraeus hesitated for a moment, then said.

"I propose that we send someone on a mission across Elibe. Someone who can explore its lands and cultures. Someone who can witness its wonders and horrors. Someone who can represent us and speak for us. Someone who can decide for us."

King Andromedus was silent for a while, then asked. "And who would that someone be?"

Prince Astraeus looked at him in the eye and said.



Prince Astraeus felt a surge of pressure and expectation from the advisors. He knew they were all looking at him as the key to their kingdom's future. He also knew that his father was waiting for his response.

He looked at his father, who smiled gently and nodded.

He gave him a reassuring glance that said: "It's your choice, son. I trust you."

Prince Astraeus felt a surge of gratitude and love for his father. He knew that his father was giving him the freedom and support to make his own decision. He was going to make the best of it and make him proud.

Prince Astraeus took a deep breath and spoke.

"Thank you all for your opinions and advice. You have given me much to think about." He took a moment and scanned the room.

"I agree that we need more information and knowledge about the outside world. I also agree that we need someone who can see for himself what it is like. Someone who can represent us and speak for us." He paused and looked at his father.

King Andromedus returned his gaze with a fatherly nod.

"That someone is me."

The council chamber erupted in gasps and murmurs. The ministers and advisors were shocked and surprised by the prince's declaration.

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