Chapter 16 - Storming the Temple Walls

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As the group approached the temple, the sight of more and more bandits surrounding it came into view. The tension in the air was palpable as they drew closer, and they could see the bandits were heavily armed and on high alert.

Astrid's keen eye spotted movement among the bandits, and he quickly realized they had been detected.

"Tsk!" Astrid shook his head in frustration.

"They've seen us! To the fortress, now!" He ordered his team.

With a burst of adrenaline, they quickly turned and made a run for the abandoned fortress. The sound of the bandits' shouts and footsteps behind them only added to the urgency of their escape.

"Let's go!" Lyn urged as she picked up her pace.

As they reached the fortress, they breathed a sigh of relief and leaned against the walls to catch their breath.

"Whew!" Sain exhaled as he wiped his forehead with his sleeve, heaving with exertion. "That was a close call."

"All right, what should we do next, Astrid?" Lyn asked.

Astrid took a deep breath and laid out his strategy.

"Listen up, everyone. This is what we're going to do." He gathered his team around him.

"We let them charge at us. They think we're weak and outnumbered, so they'll be overconfident and reckless. But we have the advantage of the terrain and the fortress. We'll use that to our benefit."

As he laid out his strategy, Lyn's eyes gleamed with anticipation. She was ready to take on whatever challenges lay ahead.

"Lyn, you'll stay at the gate and hold them off with your sword. You're fast and agile, so you can dodge their attacks and strike back."

He then addressed the knights.

"Kent and Sain, you'll flank them from both sides with your horses and weapons. You can outrun them and surprise them with your lances."

Kent and Sain nodded in agreement. They were experienced fighters, and they knew that the element of surprise was crucial in any battle.

Astrid then described his own role in the plan. "I'll stay on the wall and support you with my magic and dagger. I can also spot any weaknesses or opportunities in their formation and communicate them to you."

The team listened attentively, nodding as Astrid explained the plan. But Kent had a valid concern. "Sounds like a solid plan to me. But what if they have archers or mages?"

Astrid closed his eyes, rubbed his chin and thought for a moment, considering the possibility.

"Then we'll have to improvise. But I doubt they have any skilled ranged fighters. They're just a bunch of thugs with axes and clubs. We're better trained and equipped than them. We can do this."

Lyn determined, said. "All right then. Let's get ready. Astrid, you're the tactician. We trust you. "

"Thank you. I trust you too. Now let's show them what we're made of."

Sain chuckled, eager to jump into the fray. "I like the sound of that! Let's give these bandits a taste of their own medicine!"

Kent nodded solemnly. "Indeed. Let's fight with honor and show them the true strength of our group."

With the team feeling confident and motivated, they prepared for their next move, eager to put Astrid's strategic plan into action.

Astrid stood atop the fortress walls, watching as the bandits charged towards them with crude weapons in hand. He had surveyed the terrain and knew that they had the advantage. His team was better trained and equipped than these thugs, and they had the fortress walls to protect them.

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