Chapter 18 - Mani Katti

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The tension in the air dissipated as the priest approached the group, Lyn with her energetic nature calming down at the sight of the kind old man. She introduced herself with a polite smile, revealing her humble origins hailing from the plains.

"I'm Lyn, the chieftain's daughter of the Lorca tribe. Are you hurt, sir?" She asked with concern, introducing herself.

The priest smiled warmly and shook his head.

"Thanks to you, I am unscathed. You have my gratitude." He said, his voice warm and genuine.

Lyn nodded as she took a look at the priest.

"And the sword? Is it safe?" Lyn asked.

"Yes, I have sealed the sword safely away." The priest answered.

He then approached the altar where the legendary sword rested. It was a magnificent weapon, shining with a golden light.

"Until I remove my spell, the sword cannot be drawn." The priest explained.

The priest raised his hands and began to chant in a solemn voice. He spoke in an ancient language that the group did not understand, but they could sense the power in his words. He moved his hands in a circular motion, tracing a symbol in the air. The symbol glowed with a white light and then flew towards the altar.

The sword was covered by a thin layer of mist. The mist shimmered and changed colors, creating a dazzling display. The mist seemed to resist the priest's spell, as if trying to protect the sword.

The priest did not give up. He continued his chant, louder and faster. He pointed his finger at the sword and uttered a final word. A beam of light shot out from his finger and hit the sword.

The mist let out a hissing sound and vanished. The sword was now visible and unguarded.

The priest lowered his hands and sighed. He looked at Lyn with a smile.

"Now, as a token of my gratitude, I shall allow you to lay hands upon the Mani Katti."

He gestured for Lyn to approach the sword. She felt a mysterious attraction to it, as if it was whispering her name. She hesitated for a moment, then walked towards it with curiosity and awe.

"Touch the blade's pattern, and pray for a safe journey." The priest instructed.

"Oh, thank you so much!" Lyn said gratefully, a smile spreading across her face.

She reached out her hand and touched the intricate pattern on the blade, her fingers tracing the lines with care. She closed her eyes and prayed silently, her lips moving in a soft whisper.

A dazzling light flashed and covered the entire room, making everyone shield their eyes in surprise.

"Hm?" The priest was startled by the sudden brightness.

He shielded his eyes and felt a surge of energy. He wondered what was happening, and if the spirits were pleased or angry with him. He hoped that he had not made a mistake by giving Lyn access to the sword.

"What? Did--" Lyn opened her eyes and gasped, the brightness fading to reveal a flash of golden light.

The sword shone brightly and emitted a soft hum, its power pulsing through Lyn's hand.

"The sword... It's...glowing." Lyn said with wonder, her eyes fixed on the sword's shining blade.

Lyn stared at the glowing weapon. She felt a warmth in her hand and a bond in her heart.

"Interesting... This sword is extraordinary." Astrid remarked, his eyes fixated on the glowing blade.

Sain was equally stunned. "I've never seen anything like this before. It's like magic!" He exclaimed, his eyes widening in disbelief.

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