Chapter 12 - Lady Lyndis

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"You were going to share your story with us?" Lyn said, looking expectantly at the Lycian knights.

Astrid turned his head to listen, curious about the strangers who had joined them. He wondered what their mission was and why they had traveled so far from their homeland.

Kent dismounted from his horse, ready to share more about their mission.

"Yes." Kent replied, clearing his throat.

"We have ventured from Caelin, in Lycia, in search of someone." Kent began, his tone serious and focused.

Lyn nodded, her expression attentive. She knew a little about Lycia, the country that bordered Sacae to the southwest. It was a land of nobles and politics, where each house had its own domain and army. 

"Lycia... That's the country beyond the mountains in the southwest, isn't it?" She asked, wanting to confirm her knowledge.

Astrid mentally mapped out the geography of Elibe, the continent they were on. He had learned about its geography and history from his tutors and travels.

He knew that Sacae, where they currently were, was a vast plain of grasslands and hills, where nomadic tribes roamed freely.

To the southwest was Lycia, a federation of noble houses that governed a prosperous and fertile land.

To the southeast was Bern, a powerful kingdom that had a history of war and conquest.

And far beyond Bern, across a wide stretch of water that few had dared to cross, was Asteria, his secret homeland.

He smirked inwardly, imagining how these people would react if they knew he was a prince of a mysterious and ancient realm. A kingdom which many thought of as legends.

Kent confirmed her guess with a nod. "Correct. We've come as messengers to the lady Madelyn, who eloped with a nomad some 19 years ago."

When Kent mentioned Lady Madelyn, Lyn's face fell, and a look of sadness crossed her features.

Astrid noticed the change in Lyn's expression, and felt a pang of curiosity and sympathy. He wondered who Madelyn was and why she had such an effect on Lyn.

'Madelyn... She must be someone very important to Lyn.' He thought, watching Lyn with concern.

"Madelyn?" She repeated, her voice tight barely above a whisper.

Kent nodded solemnly. "Our lord the marquess of Caelin's only daughter."

Kent then continued. "He was heartbroken his own daughter would abandon him so. Eventually, the marquess simply declared that he had no daughter."

Astrid frowned, feeling a surge of anger and disgust. He couldn't understand how a father could disown his own child for following her heart. He thought of his own parents, who had loved him unconditionally and supported him in everything. He felt lucky to have them, and sorry for Madelyn.

'How can he do that? She's still his daughter.' He thought bitterly.

Sain chimed in, adding to Kent's story. "And then this year, we received a letter from lady Madelyn."

Sain continued, his voice becoming more animated. "It said that she, her husband, and their daughter were living happily on the Sacae plains. The marquess was ecstatic to learn he had a granddaughter of 18 years."

He then recalled the past with nostalgia. "I remember the smile on his face when he announced that he'd suddenly become a grandfather."

Lyn's expression softened at the mention of the granddaughter's age.

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