always (lisa x reader)

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What do you feel when I tell you about happiness?

What do you think off? What does it remind you off? And most importantly, is it something that keeps on returning to your mind?

If we ask the dictionairy, it states the following:

''For most, the term happiness is interchangeable with "subjective well-being," which is typically measured by asking people about how satisfied they feel with their lives (evaluative), how much positive and negative emotion they tend to feel (affective), and their sense of meaning and purpose (eudaimonic)''

Some woman named Sonja wrote about this, hit her up if you want to know more; in case you actually understood that explaining.

For the average people reading this, including myself, I will tell you this in baby language.

Happiness: the state of being happy

There, you understood that right?

I've found happiness a while ago. One year, three months, twenty-seven days and fourty-one seconds ago, to be exact.

That was the day she came into my life. She brought me a feeling of happiness I would have never expected anyone to bring me.

She makes me laugh every time we're together, no matter the situation, with either her lame jokes or goofy personality.

She makes me feel safe. Whenever I'm by her side, especially wrapped in her long and warm arms, there's nothing that can break me.

I know she would never dissapoint me, we promised eachother that on our first anniversary as a couple. I promised to never leave her side, and she did the same.

We looked almost like a married couple that day.

I did tell her 'I do' just to make fun of us being pathetic together, but the both of us laughed it off.

Though, I wouldn't see another future in front of me than one with her in it.

The success of a relationship like this one? I'm not sure... but here are three tips to guide you through.

1) Be patient. I never took the initiative to look for a girl, instead of swiping on an online dating app on a daily base, only to discover it was an app for one night stands after.

Don't start on that.

2) Talk. Having an actual face to face conversation with eachother might be the hardest thing, but it's also the best thing. Open up and be honest.

Face your fears.

3) Never lose yourself

I've struggled with my personality when I was younger a lot, people made me feel like I wasn't good enough. I was an outcast, thrown to the side because of my different appearance and interests. I never fitted in somewhere, which I started changing myself; I became a different version of me, a version I hated.

They liked me for it, but I couldn't live with myself.

The one person who accepted me fully at first sight was Lisa. She didn't attempt on changing me, she didn't even ask about my personal living style, simply because she didn't know if I would be comfortable enough to talk about it.

She's always been extremely patient with me, which is one of the reasons I started trusting her so fast.

She was and still is the person I tell everything to.

Unfortunately, she lives on the other side of the world, and we don't get to see each other so often.

We met when I went on a trip to Korea. She's an original Thai, but she was in Korea to meet up with her friends, just as I was with mine.

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