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Sophie pulls her sunglasses over her eyes as she exits the airport in Milan. She had texted Pierre when the plane had landed and he assured her that he had already sent a driver to pick her up from the airport. So now she waited outside in the lovely sunshine with her suitcase close to her body, scanning the taxi rank for the driver Pierre had sent.

"Madamoiselle Stoddart." A voice speaks from behind her, making Sophie laugh.

"When Pierre said he was sending a driver, I didn't think he meant one of the fastest in the world." She smiles at Charles.

"It's good to see you too." He smiles back. "May I?" He reaches out to take her luggage.

"Ever the gentleman." She jokes as they reach his rental car. "Can I ask what you are doing here?" She climbs in to the passenger seat as Charles sits in the driver seat after placing her suitcase in the boot.

"It seems we both wanted to make sure that Pierre was alright." He sighs, before pulling out of the airport.

"How has he been." She looks over to him worryingly.

"He's not been the best. He's trying his best to be positive but he's not the Pierre we all know and love." Charles shakes his head softly whilst he focusses upon driving.

"It was shit what they done to him. Anybody would be beaten down by it, but we need to be there to build him back up." She sadly smiles.

"If there is anyone that can do it, it will be us." He smiles over at her, which she can't help but smile back, as they both go back to watching the road.

"Salut mon ami!" Pierre shouts as Sophie and Charles enter his apartment, with the latter carrying the girls luggage. "C'est si bon de vous voir."
[Hi my friend! It's so good to see you.]

Sophie quickly brings Pierre in to a hug. "Ça-va?" She pulls back to look at him. Charles was right with what he said, despite Pierre painting on a smile and cracking his usual jokes, you could see that he was hurting in his eyes.
[How are you?]

"J'ai été meilleur...." He trails off ".... mais je vais mieux maintenant que vous êtes tous les deux ici."
[I've been better but I'm better now you're both here]

"We will have a great couple of days." She smiles taking a step back, before seeing Anthoine sitting on the couch.

"Anthoine!" She embraces him in a side hug. Sophie hadn't seen the Frenchman in years, they had been friends through karting but he was closer with Pierre, Charles, and Esteban, whereas she was closer with Lando, George, and Alex.

"Little Sophie, it's good to see you." He smiles up.

"Pierre didn't tell me you would be here." She sent an accusing glare to Pierre who acted as though he didn't hear her and avoided contact. "But it's so good to see you again, how long are you staying for?"

"Unfortunately only for another hour, I've got a flight to catch for a family event but I was staying with Pierre until you and Charles could get here." He smiles up, pushing his glasses further back a bit.

"Booo." Sophie whines, sitting down next to him, making the three boys laugh. "Well we will make up for it. We're all in Belgium at the same time, so why don't we got out after the race? I think Max will be going there as well for F3, so it can be like a big racing family reunion?" Sophie offers to everyone, realising that they all haven't hung out together in ages due to the clashing schedules.

"That we will." Charles passes by the pair and plops down on the couch next to Sophie. "It sounds like a great idea."

"Sounds good." Anthoine and Pierre agrees.

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