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Hospitals were not Sophie's favourite place. She hated the smell, how everything was white, and her worst fear was there... needles. The whole thing was unnerving and kept her on edge, which probably wasn't helping her blood pressure.

It had taken her a few moments after the crash to come around and by that time the race had been red flagged while the stewards rushed to get her out. She had tried her best to walk to the ambulance but after a few assisted steps her legs had gone out purely from dizziness and she had to be carried the rest of the way. Since then she was taken straight to the hospital where she was given a CT scan. All the scans came back clear surprisingly, besides a concussion which was expected, but the only problem was that she had broken her left wrist.

When the car hit the barrier her left wrist had been hit so hard off of the side of the car that it had broken. Which thinking about the accident as a whole, Sophie was grateful that was the worst injury she had sustained. The hospital still wanted to keep her in for the night anyway because she of the concussion and they wanted to observe her, considering how hard the impact was.

So there she was waiting in the hospital, only occasionally allowed her phone to swipe through some messages from people who had seen the crash. She had no doubt that there would be videos of it already swirling around social media, but instead she had turned her mobile data off so she could ignore it all.

Debbie wasn't able to come to the hospital straight away since she had to organise all of the media events for Sophie now that she wasn't exactly in a fit state to complete them, but thankfully Cameron was with her so she wasn't alone. He had just left a moment ago to grab her a bottle of juice because the water in the hospital didn't taste the greatest and was making her feel even worse if that was possible.

For the brief moment that she was alone, she quickly used her right arm to reach across her left side, being careful of the now casted wrist, to grab her phone that was sitting on the table and occasionally lighting up with notifications.

Since she had arrived in the room, Cameron had thought it would be best for her mental health to completely avoid her phone or any device that could connect her to the internet. Firstly, in case she saw any clips of the crash which could trigger a reaction, and secondly in case the media were trying to portray her as a villain like they mostly do.

But Sophie didn't want her phone for those reasons, hence why she hadn't even turned her mobile data on. All that she wanted was to see that red number 1 above her green messages app, and then open it to find a message from Charles to see how she was.

Unlocking her phone she swipes to her screen page which holds her message app, and her heart skips a beat when she sees the number 27 above it - 27 people checking in on her. Considering how bad the crash was, it would be normal to have that many people checking in on you, but Sophie didn't have those expectations and instead she had a heart full of love and happiness from others' kindness.

Opening the app, she disregards most of the messages, wanting to see Charles message first, but scroll after scroll after scroll, until there was no new messages, and not once was his name highlighted. If she scrolls down a couple of more messages she would see his name, however it would have been from her good luck message to him from before the race - before the crash.

Her head was already sore from the crash, but it didn't compare to the pain from the figurative sucker punch she felt. She had survived a major crash - the biggest crash that she had ever experienced, but he didn't even check in?

Maybe the race hadn't finished. She thought, excusing his behaviour. But knowing that she had scrolled through at least half of the grids names before reaching the bottom completely out that theory to waste.

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