Chapter 1

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Waking up to the sound of the carriage roughly stopping wasn't what Wooyoung was expecting. As his head almost hit the side of the carriage from the force of the stop, his eyes widened in shock as he took in his surroundings. His manservant Jongho and his cousin Yeosang both seemed as surprised as he was. In his half-asleep state, Wooyoung failed to notice the shouts from outside. It's only after a few seconds, when Jongho left the carriage to see what was happening outside while Wooyoung and Yeosang both stayed inside and tried to peek outside the window that Wooyoung realized something was definitely wrong. Both of their eyes widened when they realized their carriage was being attacked by a group of bandits. They were wearing masks made of poor fabrics hiding their mouth and nose. There weren't many but there were also not many soldiers to protect Wooyoung and Yeosang as the road was supposed to be safe.

You see, Wooyoung and Yeosang are both part of the royal family of the Idoryn kingdom. In fact, Wooyoung was actually the heir to the throne so an attack on his person should be considered an assault to the crown and a pure death wish from the attackers. In his startled state, Wooyoung asked himself how did the day turn out like this.

Wooyoung and Yeosang were actually coming back to the Idoryn kingdom for the first time in seven years, years they both spent studying in the best school located in the Lazul kingdom, the biggest and richest kingdom there was. As the future king of the Idoryn kingdom he had to receive the best education possible to reign the best he could when his father would step down. His father, King Jungkook, is the best king and father anyone could ask, Wooyoung definitely wasn't biased. From what he could remember from years ago, his kingdom was one of the richest and happiest kingdom. People would sing the praises of their King and his husband, King Jimin. On the other hand, as a father to Wooyoung, King Jungkook was gentle yet firm in his education. Sadly for Wooyoung, he couldn't come to his kingdom for the past few years as he was busy enjoying his life in the Lazul kingdom. Fortunately his parents used to visit him a lot so their bond never broke and even strengthened with time. So for the first time in many years Wooyoung was coming back to the place he used to call home and he was coming back with his precious cousin, Kang Yeosang.

Yeosang used to live in the Lazul kingdom and went to school with Wooyoung which quickly helped them become best friends in addition to cousins. However a few years ago both of his parents died from a disease. Fortunately Jungkook and his brother had a great bond so at his death, Jungkook didn't hesitate to offer Yeosang a place to live in the castle of Idoryn. Yeosang wanted to refuse, not wanting to be a bother to anyone from a kingdom he never went to but Wooyoung insisted for him to agree. He knew refusing Wooyoung was pointless as the boy always had what he wanted so he ended up accepting the offer sooner than Wooyoung expected. He would never tell this to his cousin but he was glad that he would live with Wooyoung and Jongho, Wooyoung's personal manservant as they were the only people he was close to now that his parents were dead.

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