Chapter 16

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San could hardly believe what he saw. He secretly hoped it wasn't what it looked like and that Wooyoung and Yeonjun weren't trying to sneak away from the ball to hook up together. San wasn't dumb, he knew he shouldn't overreact that much. First of all San reminded himself that even though the situation looked suspicious it didn't mean anything. Maybe they were only sneaking away because they had a serious talk to go over, a prank to prepare. There were thousands of reasons why the princes left the ball together other than for flirting and hooking up. Secondly, San and Wooyoung weren't a thing so the crown prince was free to flirt and sleep with whoever he wanted even though the thought hurt San in many ways as he thought Wooyoung was interested in him. So if he did leave with Yeonjun to sleep with the man, Wooyoung would really be the worst suitor ever.

As he angrily walked down the corridor heading to the gardens, San heard a muffled noise coming from one of the parallel corridors, one barely illuminated by the main corridor's light..

Curious as to where the sound came from, San stopped in his walk and tried to peek, scared someone might have broken in the palace during the ball which would be the perfect time as most guards were situated around the ballroom and the entrance.

Thankfully it didn't seem to be the case here. Indeed his eyes widened and his cheeks reddened in a breath when he realized the sound wasn't one of breaking in but one of pleasure.

Two people were standing close to each other, their bodies entangled in a beautiful harmony. One had his back on the wall, trapped between the man before him. Their mouths were intertwined, as if they had done that a thousand times.

San had trouble recognizing the couple because of the lack of light and the man's faces being almost crushed together.

Suddenly their mouths separated for a second before diving in back again which was enough time for San to recognize Wooyoung's cousin, prince Yeosang and Wooyoung's manservant, Jongho.

As soon as he noticed the heated situation and the two people taking part in it, San quickly turned his back to the wall to leave the couple. He took a minute, leaned on the wall to put the pieces in his head. It actually made sense the two men were in whatever their relationship was. Indeed San remembered Yunho's gossip about a prince being in love with one of the servants of the palace. At the time he didn't know Yeosang so when Yunho told him the story San didn't care about it but now it all came back to him. Prince Yeosang loved Jongho, Wooyoung's manservant. It seemed like their relationship evolved from Yunho's last story. It really didn't look like a secret crush if what he saw was enough proof.

As San overcame the surprise and shock, he quietly went back on his walk to reach the garden and left the couple to eat each other's mouths.

The garden was somewhere San didn't usually go to as he didn't have the authorisation to go there during the day, the garden being reserved to nobles. However he took the habit of resting there sometimes during the night. The calmness of the place and the slow sound of the fountain eased his mind when he felt like his head would explode.

That night the moon was almost full, high in the sky and illuminated the gardens. The sky was full of stars, shining brother than San has ever seen them, like they were trying to compete with the lights from the ballroom.

When San reached his usual bench, hidden from the main paths of the place, he immediately felt calmness overtaking him, as if he was back home after a long day. Which in a sense he was doing. He delicately sat down, his hands going on the bench, allowing him to softly feel the wood under his palm as he raised his head to look at the sky and let his mind drift away, thinking back about Wooyoung and prince Yeonjun.

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