Chapter 2

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After two more hours of their journey, Wooyoung, Yeosang and Jongho finally reached the palace of Idoryn. As they got off the carriage, Wooyoung's mouth went agape, all his memories from his birthplace coming back to him, all the joys he experienced during his childhood happened here, close to his parents. The palace is as big and beautiful as he remembered. He looked at Yeosang to see his reaction as it was his first time here and the boy also seemed astonished by the palace.

"The palace isn't as big as the one in Lazul but this one looks way more appealing like it wants me to enter and live in it." Yeosang commented, still surprised.

"I told you our palace was beautiful. You just wouldn't believe me." Wooyoung said with a pout.

"Yeah well you also said your kingdom was the safest and yet it took us 5 minutes within the borders to get attacked." Yeosang bit back, his gaze snapping to Wooyoung who just shrugged his shoulders in reply.

"Let's get inside. King Jungkook and King Jimin must be waiting for us." Jongho commented before opening the walk for both of them.

As they entered, the first thing Yeosang noticed was the massive wooden double staircase leading to the first floor.

"Oh wow I remember throwing my homeworks and toys when i was bored from the stairs right there" Wooyoung pointed to Yeosang while Jongho was busy noticing a guard of their arrival.

"Brat" Yeosang muttered as Wooyoung kept bragging about every tantrum he threw as a child. Even now that he is 23 years old he still seems proud of his brattiness. Yeosang suddenly regretted accepting to live 24/7 with Wooyoung for the rest of his life.

"Prince Wooyoung, Prince Yeosang. This way" Jongho pointed to the reception room on the first floor.

When the three boys reached the throne room, Wooyoung felt tears forming in his eyes when his gaze finally fell on his parents. It was always like this. Even when they came to see him at the institute he would cry happy tears like a baby at the sight of them.

"Dads!" Wooyoung shouted and ran in their direction to hug and kiss them. Both parents returned the attention and welcomed their son in their arms. For the few minutes that followed, the only sounds we could hear were Wooyoung's cries and his parents's words of reassurance. His parents were in reality not his biological parents but it never bothered him. Indeed his real dad died before he was even born and his mom, Jimin's younger sister died while giving birth to him so he only ever knew the parental love of Jimin and Jungkook which is why he considers them his fathers.

"What a crybaby" Yeosang commented to Jongho.

"Shut up Yeo." Wooyoung responded loudly. After a few more minutes Wooyoung detached himself from his parents to properly greet them.

"How are you all? Was the journey comfortable ?" King Jimin asked the three boys.

"Hmm We kind of encountered a little incident on the way." Jongho answered.

"An incident ? What kind of incident ?" King Jungkook asked while putting his arm around his son's waist in a protective manner, now worried.

"As we reached the border of the kingdom we were attacked by a group of bandits. Fortunately it seemed like they were only here to steal our gold and didn't hurt anyone, your highness." Jongho kept his head down while speaking but he immediately raised It again when the response from the king was a sigh.

"You're really not hurt Wooyoung ? Yeosang ? Jongho ?" King Jimin asked them to be sure.

"Yes, don't worry your highness, we are all safe and sound." This time Yeosang answered.

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