Chapter 11

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The past few days had been so busy for San and Wooyoung that they didn't get the chance to spend much time together. Indeed one of the biggest diplomatic ball was set to take place in Idoryn in a few days. Thus the whole palace has been running around to prepare everything for the guests to come. Fortunately not every guest arrived at the same time at the palace. In fact, royals from Theolia and Lazul already set foot in Idoryn two weeks before the ball. Because of all the people here, Wooyoung couldn't see San as much as he used to. Oddly, Wooyoung usually loved talking with his friends from other kingdoms he hadn't seen in a long time but this time he really wanted to strangle them when they would call for him on his way to the stable.

"Hey Wooyoung you're good?" Yeosang asked as they finally got released by some princess from Lazul who took almost 1 hour of their time to talk with them.

"No I am not. The universe is keeping me away from the love of my life. So close yet so far away." Woyoung said dramatically.

"I get you on this one. I really can't stand these useless discussions. You're the one who likes them usually. You know, having all the attention on you and everything?" Yeosang added. Indeed Yeosang never really liked to mingle with royals or nobles while Wooyoung loved it. Not for the conversations in themselves but to have people's attention on them so Yeosang was surprised Wooyoung didn't seem to like it these days.

"I love having attention on me but right now I want San's attention on me." Wooyoung said while fake crying. "And all these people prevent me from having that." He added as he showed the group of nobles they just left behind a few minutes ago.

"Always so dramatic. Don't worry, the ball is in a few days so by next week things will go back as it was before and you'll be able to see your boy." Yeosang reassured with a pat on Wooyoung's shoulder.

"I must be strong for our love to thrive." Wooyoung said, still in his dramatic act. "By the way you never met Sannie right?" Wooyoung broke out from his act at the thought and turned to his cousin in curiosity.

"What do you take me for? Of course I did. I had to know if he was strong enough to handle your stubborn ass."

"I'm gonna act like you didn't just say that. When did you meet him? Why didn't you tell me? Did you also fall in love with him? Is that why? I'm sorry but If you do, I will have to exile you from the kingdom." Wooyoung said defensively.

"Slow down dumbass. No, I do not love him. I went to meet him a few times in the stables." Yeosang simply stated, not bothered by Wooyoung's meaningless threat.

"A few times?" Wooyoung raised his voice in suspicion.

"Yes a few times Woo. He's really nice and good at giving advice so I met him a few times just to talk about anything."

"I'm not going to ask you what kind of advice you got because I know you won't tell me but just know that I'm really curious about that. On the other hand I'm glad you get along well with my boyfriend." Wooyoung said, truthfully glad that both of them seem to like each other.

"Not your boyfriend Woo." Yeosang simply added.

"Same thing." Wooyoung said while shrugging his shoulders before leaving Yeosang behind as he made his way to the gardens. "Now that those leeches left me I'm gonna see my boyfriend." Wooyoung put extra care to emphasize the end of his sentence to tease Yeosang.

"Hey Yunho." Wooyoung greeted the man as he entered the stable.

"Hello your highness Wooyoung." Yunho greeted with a bow to show respect to the prince before he resumed his work.

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