Chapter 10

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"Hi Yunho. You look tired, Sannie." Wooyoung commented as he entered the stable as he did everyday.

"Hello to you too." San responded sharply, side eyeing Wooyoung while Yunho greeted Wooyoung back.

"Hi San. You look tired." Wooyoung repeated,rolling his eyes in the back of his head.

"I've been telling him all day he looks tired but he won't believe me." Yunho said as he fed Apollo, King Jimin's horse.

"He is stubborn, right?" Wooyoung asked Yunho sneakily as if the said boy was not hearing everything.

"You don't even know. I spend all my days with him and let me tell you stubbornness isn't strong enough to describe him." Yunho answered, enjoying making fun of his friend.

"Hey!" San said loudly, making the two boys laugh out loud. "I'm still here so if you could both shut up. Some people here are working." He added.

"And if you paid more attention to your surroundings you'd know our shift ended 10 minutes ago San." Yunho said to his friend.

San didn't answer. He simply turned to the clock and his eyes widened when he saw that Yunho was telling the truth. He thought the day would never end. He would never admit it but he actually felt tired. His head had been pounding for most of the day and he couldn't wait to get back home to get some well needed sleep.

"I'm gonna head home. San, you should leave too. I know you like working overtime but I genuinely think you need to rest so don't leave too late please." Yunho said as he got ready to leave.

"Don't worry Yunho, I'm just gonna tidy up a few things and I'll leave soon." San reassured his friend.

"Yes, don't worry Yunho. I am going to keep an eye on him until he leaves this place. I wouldn't want the love of my life to get himself injured." Wooyoung added with the biggest smile on his face. The only response he got was a laugh from Yunho and a sigh from San.

Soon enough, Yunho left the stable after saying goodbye to San and Wooyoung. As promised to Yunho, San went to quickly tidy up everything just so he could leave as fast as possible. He only had one thing in his cloudy mind, going to bed. Indeed with the new money he had been getting from this job, San finally managed to buy a real bed, a worn out one but it was still better than the straw he used to sleep on.

San must have been cleaning too fast as his head started to get even messier than it had been before. In just a few minutes San couldn't focus his mind on his surroundings. He tried hard to focus on Wooyoung's voice that was rambling but San found himself not assimilating anything the prince said. After a few seconds of trying to focus on Wooyoung's voice, it was the turn of his eyes to lose focus, black dots were appearing in his vision. He tried to open his mouth to tell Wooyoung that he wasn't feeling good but before he could utter a sound, his body fell forward, fortunately making him fall on straw.

As soon as San's body started falling Wooyoung was on his feet to reach the boy. He wasn't fast enough to prevent the fall. Wooyoung instinctively acted and tried to get San's attention to prevent the man from completely losing consciousness. He quickly put him on side, slightly poked his cheeks to wake the stable boy. Wooyoung relaxed a bit when San managed to groan, his eyes were still closed but at least he was still conscious. The prince tried to get San's attention on him by asking him basic questions about himself which seemed to work as San whispered short answers to him.

After a few seconds of agonizing stress, San slowly opened his eyes, focused on the ground as he continued to answer Wooyoung's questions. Wooyoung was relieved when San told him he didn't feel hurt anywhere. Still on the ground on Wooyoung's order, San asked the prince a question.

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