Chapter 6

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San left his first day of work with Yunho, both of them making part of their way together before they separated to get to their own houses. When nearing his home, San quickly sped up to reach his sister as soon as possible. As he entered the place, he noticed the three young boys sleeping on their shared-bed and his sister in the same state he left her the morning, laid on her bed. However there was now Seonghwa, the physician king Jimin sent. He was seated near the woman, taking care of her fever.

"Sir Seonghwa, how is she ?" San asked as he came close to the two adults.

"You can just call me Seonghwa, San." Seonghwa said with a soft smile, probably meant to calm San down, his anxiousness radiating in the room. "Don't worry she's gonna be fine. As you said she has astiphlus but with the treatment I will give her she will recover in no time. I can assure you that."

"Really ? She's gonna be fine?" San asked, already starting to feel tears forming from the relief.

"Yes, San. It will probably take one week at most for her to be up and running again." Seonghwa said, as relieved as San that his patient would be fine. As expected from both of the men, San started to cry happy tears, finally relieved from the past few days which felt like hell to him. Seonghwa got up from his seat, came to San before delicately wrapping his arms around him, hugging him in a comforting way while gently patting his back. The hug lasted for a minute before Seonghwa got away.

"Come San, I'm gonna give you the treatments you'll need to give her." Seonghwa led San to the table, where the physician put all his stuff. "Fortunately you told me she probably has astiphlus so I took the medicines necessary before coming here. You will need to give her these 3 medicines, each twice a week. As they are plant-based, the taste can be pretty repulsive so I suggest you mix it with water, porridge or anything liquid. It will make it easier for her to ingest." Seonghwa explained diligently to a very focused San.

"Ok I get it." San said while analyzing the different medicines. "By the way, how did you get the medicines so quickly? The physician who came to see Haneul said it would take weeks to get them from Lazul?" San asked nonchalantly.

"Oh, as the royal physician we have a personal stock of medicines only meant for the royal and nobles who reside in the palace." Seonghwa said, his gaze wandering anywhere but on San. Seonghwa felt ashamed about this rule. If he could he would give the medicines to everyone who needed them in the kingdom but he couldn't break the rules.

"You don't have to look so ashamed. I was just curious, not that I'm surprised by the reason." San said to soothe Seonghwa. He didn't want to lash out on the physician who probably had his hands tied in a lot of matters. He just had to follow rules.

"I know what you think San and don't worry, a lot of us hate the rules of the palace but these have been running for so long that even the king can't just abolish one of them as he wants." Seonghwa tried to explain to San.

"Huh? What do you mean by that?" San was now curious, had the king tried to abolish rules before?

"You know when people say our kings are the kindest and have the purest souls, these comments don't come from nowhere. They have always done all the best they could for us, civilians. However, rules can't be abolished easily. Mainly because royal rules are common to all kingdoms so If you want to abolish one of them you need to have the agreement of all kingdoms which you can guess never happened." Seonghwa answered.

San hummed for a second before putting an end to the conversion. "I see. That explains a lot of things. Thank you for answering my questions and for taking care of my sister. You should probably head back to the palace. It's getting quite late already and I took a lot of your time."

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