Chapter 14

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"Hey Yunho, San." Jongho greeted his two friends as he entered the stable, a huge bag draped over his shoulder.

"Hey Jongho." San and Yunho both answered at the same time, head turned to Jongho, curiosity written all over their faces seeing Jongho's bag. "What's this?" San took the initiative to question the manservant.

"These are your tuxedos for the ball tonight." Jongho replied as he laid the said bag on a nearby table.

"Huh?" San and Yunho looked at each other in question, which didn't go unnoticed by Jongho.

"For the ball. Tonight." Sais man repeated in incomprehension.

"But we were not invited to the ball." Yunho decided to inform Jongho.

"Of course you were."

The three boys spent the next few seconds just watching each other, trying to guess what the other was saying.

Jongho was the quickest to understand the situation. "Don't tell me this dumbass forgot to tell you you were invited. He was the one asking for you to be invited but he didn't think to inform you. This dumbass." He muttered under his breath but both man heard him.

"Dumbass?" San asked curiously.

"Wooyoung is the dumbass." Jongho specified to San and Yunho, who still didn't understand anything.

"Can you explain to us what's happening right now?" Yunho asked, his arms crossing over his chest in impatience.

"Wooyoung invited you to the ball tonight so he prepared some of his own tuxedos for you to wear. This dumbass just forgot to actually invite you." Jongho didn't forget to omit the fact that Wooyoung made a custom made tuxedo for San just as he promised the prince.

Yunho and San seemed surprised if the way their mouths hung open was of any indication. to Jongho. "This is really kind of prince Wooyoung. Please give our thanks to him." Yunho said as he bowed to show his gratitude.

"You don't have to do that, Yunho, even to Wooyoung himself." Jongho reassured Yunho. "I hope you will be able to come to the ball even though you were informed so late."

"I have nothing planned, don't worry Jongho, I'll be there." Yunho said with a smile, happy to be invited to a royal ball for the first time in his life. Now both men were turned to San to hear his answer but the look of guilt on his face seemed to answer Jongho's question.

"You know Wooyoung will become a crybaby if you can't come right?" Jongho's sentence made San's ears become red at the fact that everyone seemed to know about Wooyoung's infatuation with him.

"I have to keep the kids tonight. Haneul is going on a date this afternoon and someone needs to look after the three monsters." San said regretfully. He actually really wanted to come which hurt his ego to admit as he thought he would loath everything noble related all his life. But knowing Wooyoung would be there and personally invited him, a stable boy, made him want to come just to see Wooyoung's smile.

"Can't you come after your sister is back? As long as you show up." Jongho pleaded with his eyes, not ready to experience Wooyoung's sadness if San didn't show up.

"I will try but I can't promise you anything. Haneul is really excited for her date so I don't want to be the one to ruin it. I will come once she is back home." San said, not promising anything to Jongho and by extension to Wooyoung.

"I guess Wooyoung will have to deal with his dumbness. I hope you will be able to come otherwise Wooyoung will probably kill everyone on sight. Probably starting from prince Felix." At the mention of Felix's name, Yunho shuddered as he remembered Wooyoung's aura when he saw San and the prince together.

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