Chapter 8

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When they reached the palace's ground, Wooyoung only had one wish in mind, to take a long and warm bath to get rid of all the now dried mud stuck on his skin. Before he could quietly go there, he was intercepted by Yeosang who went to greet them when he had heard Wooyoung and Jongho were coming back. When Yeosang noticed Wooyoung's state next to Jongho, he couldn't prevent the loud laughter from escaping his lips. He was bending over on his knees, his hands covering his mouth to try to hide his laugh from the noble around which was very obviously fruitless. What friends I have, Wooyoung thought while rolling his eyes in the back of his head, completely ignoring his cousin's presence.

"What happened to you Wooyoung?" Yeosang asked after a minute of trying to take his breath back and getting rid of the few tears that fell from the corner of his eyes.

"Later Yeo. As you can see I need a long bath." Wooyoung said, opening his arms to show his obvious state to Yeosang.

"Don't tempt me to look at you more or I'll really die of laughing." Yeosang said, trying to keep his attention fixed on Wooyoung's eyes so he wouldn't be any more distracted.

"Come Yeosang I'll tell you what happened while we wait for Wooyoung to frshen up a bit." Jongho commented. The two men left Wooyoung in front of his room to get to Yeosang's. "Meet you at Yeosang's when you're done." Jongho added for Wooyoung.

Wooyoung replied with a nod then headed to his long awaited bath his servants had prepared before he came back from his ride. After 20 minutes of just laying in his bath, Wooyoung dried himself, put on his pajamas and went for Yeosang's room. He had a lot to take out of his mind.

"Got all the dirt off Woo?" Yeosang teased Wooyoung as soon as he entered the room.

"Very funny Yeo." Wooyoung answered before sitting down on the bed with both of his best friends. "So, I presume Jongho told you what happened?" Wooyoung asked.

"He didn't leave anything out. I can't believe your so called lover boy did this to you. He's awesome." Yeosang commented with a smile.

"Thanks for being on my side, Yeo."

"But you're not actually mad, right?" Yeosang cautiously asked when he saw the serious look on his best friend's face. Yeosang liked to tease Wooyoung and he knew the man secretly liked it but he didn't want to actually make him feel bad.

"Of course not, you know I love it when people I fancy stand up against me." Wooyoung simply answered, reassuring Yeosang.

"Are you sure? You look very serious right now."

"Yes yes I'm fine. I'm just thinking about how to introduce San to my parents." The young prince commented.

"Huh?" Both Yeosang and Jongho said at the same time, not understanding what Wooyoung was saying.

"Yeah. I mean I can't just marry San without properly introducing him to my dads, right?" Wooyoung asked both the men, his face finally showing something other than seriousness, infatuation.

"For a second I really wondered if you were our Wooyoungie. Thank god you're the real one." Jongho said, sighing in relief.

"You really never fail to amaze me Woo. The way your brain works really amazes me." Yeosang simply commented on his friend's dumb thoughts.

"If you had seen and heard his laugh directed in your direction, you would understand. When I saw it I could picture us together at our wedding, us both smiling to each other before we kiss in front of the world, sealing the love of the century." Wooyoung said, hearts filling his eyes as he spoke. Yeosang reacted by fake gagging.

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