Chapter 12

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As promised, Wooyoung joined San to the stable as soon as the sun started to peak behind the forest surrounding the kingdom. The day to come seemed to be a warm one. Thus giving the opportunity for Wooyoung to dress softly. He was wearing a simple large beige cotton shirt and dark brown pants he hastily stole to Yeosang when Wooyoung realized he was late, taking too long to get his hair done.

As Wooyoung waited for San to finish readying their horses, Wooyoung took notice of San's outfit. It looked like he made an effort to dress up today and thinking he did so just for his date with Wooyoung made the man feel all giddy. In fact San was not wearing anything fancy or relatively different from what he usually wears. He was simply wearing a clean shirt, looking similar to the one Wooyoung was also wearing but the shirt looked tighter on San, allowing Wooyoung to marvel at the stable boy's amazing build, his big and strong shoulders contrasting with his thin waist. At this point Wooyoung was drooling and it hadn't even been 30 minutes since he came. He would never be able to survive the day. Fortunately San's back was turned to him so he didn't notice the way Wooyoung was eating him with his eyes.

"Done." San muttered to himself before turning around to face the young prince. "Ready to go?" Now that San was facing Wooyoung, the young prince thought this whole date ride thing was a bad idea. How will he survive a whole morning with San who looked like the perfect ideal type of any man and woman at the moment. Wooyoung was really the luckiest man on earth to be able to spend a riding date with this man. Well, the luckiest man after Felix.

"Yeah I'm ready. Let's go." Wooyoung took the lead to mount his own horse first.

"Where are you taking me?" Wooyoung asked as he watched San get on Apollo's back. "Wait since when can you approach Apollo? I can't even get within a meter radius without him sending me death glare." Wooyoung added with a pout.

"Since I first met him. King Jimin said that was the reason why he wanted me to work in the stable. Apollo is really kind to me. I love him." San replied as he softly caressed the said horse.

"Damn you can really seduce anyone. So much competition." Wooyoung muttered to himself.

"Huh? What did you say?" San asked, not hearing what Wooyoung was mumbling.

"Nothing. So where are you taking me?"

"Do you have a place in mind?"

"Somewhere you didn't take Felix to." Wooyoung said, still feeling in competition with the prince.

San took a minute to think about the places he wanted to bring Wooyoung to. "I know. There is this field I saw from afar the other day. Let's go there." San proposed as he smiled warmly to Wooyoung who felt weak on his knees at the view.

"Lead the way, pretty boy." For the first time since Wooyoung called San this surname, the latter noticed the obvious blush creeping on San's cheeks and ears, making Wooyoung smile in victory. He was finally going somewhere.

They both rode next to each in silence for the whole ride. Surprisingly it wasn't as uncomfortable as Wooyoung thought it would be. Indeed Wooyoung never enjoyed silence when he was with other people but with San he felt like the silence allows their moment to be more special, more private in a way, as if their silence spoke volumes only the two of them could hear and understand.

After some time, they could finally see the field hidden by a few rows of trees in front of them. The sun peeking from the field made the trees look beautiful, almost as if they were themselves the source of this light. Wooyoung was already enchanted by this simple view but he was undeniably attracted to what was hidden behind the trees.

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