Chapter 3

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A week after the return of their son, King Jimin and Jungkook spent most of their time catching up with Wooyoung when the younger wasn't busy reading, partying or learning how to fight. When Wooyoung asked them to learn to defend himself, Jungkook was initially opposed to it as he was scared his son could get hurt. Wooyoung's clumsiness was a secret to no one so the King was worried but his husband Jimin convinced him to accept their son's request. Surprisingly It has always been King Jungkook the most protective over Wooyoung while Jimin was more on the understanding side.

One day, while Jungkook was busy teaching Wooyoung the ropes of their kingdom's commercial treaties, Jimin decided to go for a ride. He had told Yunho, the stable boy, to get his horse ready in the morning. The stable was a beautiful building with beautiful arches on the high ceiling and large grey stone pillars to bear the whole construction. The place could welcome about thirty horses. Fortunately, not all boxes were taken all at once which made the work easier for Yunho, the only stable boy since his trainer resigned.

As the king reached the stable, he could see his personnel guards on their own horses, already to accompany him.

"Thank you Yunho for preparing Apollo and for taking care of him. I can see he loves you." Jimin complimented the young stable boy as he caressed Apollo's mane.

"Thank you, your highness." Yunho answered, his head bowed to his King.

As the King and his guards were heading to the woods, Yunho released the breath he was holding. Even though the King was the kindest to him, It was still nerve-wracking to be in the presence and talk to his King.

Jimin spent a few hours riding his horse in the woods. His guards always kept a good distance from him as Jimin never liked having too many people close to him. If it was him there would be no guards coming with him but Jungkook wouldn't let him leave alone so Jimin had to compromise with guards at a certain distance.

At some point Jimin reached a beautiful meadow he had never seen before. It was filled with colorful flowers, all of them blending beautifully together. As he discovered the place he saw a huge bird flying above the meadow. After a few minutes of staring at it he concluded that it must have been a hawk. He had never seen one before so the closer the hawk flew, the more his attention was set on It. He had only ever seen these birds in books so he wanted to see every detail of the animal.

He was so focused on It that he didn't notice the cliff at the end of the meadow which made him and Apollo both fall over. Jimin, who wasn't expecting this, screamed loudly when he realized he was falling. Unfortunately his guards were too far away from him to catch up with him on time. As he was falling he could hear them shout his name in panic but he was too focused on trying to protect himself to care.

The fall lasted close to a minute but for the King it felt like hours. As he reached the bottom of the fall his head roughly hit a stone. His body stopped moving and he desperately tried to keep his eyes open to keep his consciousness. Unfortunately he could only keep them open long enough to see Apollo on his feet, a few scratches on his fur but still standing tall before unconsciousness took over.

"Where are you going Sannie?" A young woman asked her older brother as she was busy preparing breakfast for their family, If a piece of bread cut into 5 portions could be considered as a breakfast.

"I'm going to see if I can find some berries in the woods. Remember last week I managed to find a few of them. I'm pretty sure that If I manage to get deeper in the woods I'll be able to find way more." San answered to his younger sister, Haneul, excited at the prospect.

"Are you sure? The woods are dangerous, you know?" Haneul asked, worried for her brother.

"Don't worry Haneul, I won't get lost and I'm taking my knife with me so I can defend myself just in case. Hopefully a bear will attack me so we can finally have some meat to feed the kids." San tried to joke.

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