Epilogue Part 1

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—--------------------------- 1 month later —---------------------------

"HONGJOONG!" The said man jumped out in shock as he heard his name screamed by none other than prince Wooyoung. As he realized it, Hongjoong couldn't help but sigh in defeat.

Hongjoong turned around to face a fuming Wooyoung. "Yes Wooyoung ? How can I help you?" He said as he finished clearing the king's office table clean of any political papers and such.

"Why are you here?" Wooyoung asked in a serious tone but Hongjoong knew Wooyoung was just being overly dramatic.

"I am doing my job. Stocking King Jungkook's letters until he returns like I always do when he is away." He answered lazily, not one bit bothered by Wooyoung's outburst.

Wooyoung crossed his arms over his chest before rolling his eyes. "I know what your job entails, thank you very much Joong. What I want to know is why you are the only one back from Theolia ?"

"Ah...That's what it's all about huh ?" Hongjoong said suggestively as he raised his eyebrows in Wooyoung direction before answering the impatient prince. "King Jimin wished to stay a bit longer in Theolia as he doesn't get many chances to go there so he wanted to enjoy the place a bit more. As King Jungkook had duty here I came back with him. Surely a pity for you. One more week without your dear San and without knowing what prince Felix may have attempted to do to him." Hongjoong said, almost bursting in laughter at Wooyoung's reaction at the mention of Prince Felix's name. Indeed the young prince now had his eyes narrowed into Hongjoong, his glare sending death wishes to the king's attendant.

"I swear to god Kim Hongjoong that I am this close to jumping you. Might I add not in a sexual way." Wooyoung said as he closed two of his fingers together until only a centimeter was left between them to express his urge to fight Hongjoong which only made the man laugh harder.

"Don't worry Woo, your man is safe and very much faithful to you. He told me to tell you he misses you and can't wait to rant to you about everything he's been discovering in the kingdom and of course of the many gifts he is going to bring you back. He also told me to tell you the L word but I would probably throw up if I said those words to you."

The words seemed to calm down Wooyoung. The past weeks had been exhausting without San beside him. They had only been dating for a few weeks and San had already spent one of them in Theolia kingdom and now a second week had been added to it. Wooyoung really missed talking with San about everything while cuddling the boy in his bed. He missed stealing soft kisses from the boy when they crossed paths with each other in the palace. He missed seeing the blush creeping up his boyfriend's face when he could sneakily flirt with him. All in all, Wooyoung missed his boyfriend Choi San who was currently spending more time with a prince who has the hots for him rather than his own boyfriend.

Wooyoung was now sporting a pout in front of Hongjoong who silently waited for the younger to continue talking as he knew the prince was not a man of a few words. "Why did dad have to bring San over there anyway? He also could have gone back home with you!"

"It hurts me to say this but you are cute when you are jealous, Wooyoung. King Jimin wanted to take both Yunho and San so they could enjoy nice vacations for once and you know those two boys can't say no to anything the king asks of them. Moreover they both stayed with King Jimin for another week because It's their first time traveling. You can't imagine the long list of things they both want to do there. They are only taking up the occasion they have."

"I hope you are not trying to scold me for wanting my boyfriend back here with me because It would be really hypocritical of you to say that. I know for a fact you are not back here because my dad came back but because you missed Seonghwa right?" Wooyoung said, his eyes now half teasing, half daring Hongjoong to deny it.

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