Chapter 13

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The day of the ball was coming closer and Wooyoung learned from Jongho that the stable boys will probably be recruited to help the palace servers for the night. When the news reached him, Wooyoung quickly darted to the library, in search of his dad, Jimin. Fortunately the young prince knew where his dad was and didn't have to look for him around the palace.

"Dad!" Wooyoung exclaimed as he loudly opened the door to the library. His dad, who seemed to be deeply reading a book, sharply turned his head at the loud voice, his eyes wide from the unexpected intrusion. Wooyoung looked for Hongjoong around the place but didn't find him. He was probably assisting his other dad at the moment.

"Hey sweetheart, what do you need?" Jimin said, his stature relaxing at the sight of his son. He delicately closed his book and put his glasses away, ready to listen to Wooyoung.

The said man closed the door behind himself before heading toward the desk King Jimin was sat on. "I heard the stables will be recruited for the ball." Wooyoung went straight to the point.

"They may be. If there is a need for people." Jimin answered, one of his eyebrows arching in curiosity.

"They can't." Wooyoung roughly hit the table with both of his hands, as if to show his decision is ultimate. The young prince was rendered speechless when his dad only laughed out loud in response. "Wh-Why are you laughing?" He asked uncertainty and slowly lost his confidence.

"It's been a long time since I saw you throw a tantrum." He simply said, fondness in his eyes at the memories of fierce young Wooyoung. "And why can't they?". Jimin said, now leaning his head on his intertwined hands softly placed on the table in a curious manner.

"Because I want to invite Yunho and San to the ball. I don't want to have them working this night." Wooyoung decided that telling his dad he just wanted to see San in a costume and hypothetically tearing it off at some point during the night wouldn't help his case.

"And why is that?"

"Because you know how I am. Always making friends left and right so I want to invite my new friends to the ball."

A small silence took place as Wooyoung his dad's reaction while Jimin had an impassive face which Wooyoung absolutely loathed because he could never read his dad when he had this face on. "Daddddd. Come on." Wooyoung whined to get an answer.

"I will find a way for them not to be enrolled for the night." Jimin finally accepted Wooyoung's request which got him a big hug from Wooyoung in response.

"Thank you so much dad. I love you." Wooyoung said, his voice muffled by his dad's shoulder.

"Don't get too happy. I didn't do it for you." Jimin said with a smile, which made Wooyoung roughly retreat back.

"Huh? I'm disappointed now." He said with a small pout.

"Don't be. You still got what you wanted right?" King Jimin said before leaning to give a small to his son's cheek.

"Hmm. Why did you do it then?" Wooyoung asked as he took a step back, the desk between the two men being quite troublesome.

"I also want Yunho and San to have the night off and to enjoy the ball."

"Huh? Why?"

"Because I like these boys."

"You're the best dad, you know that right?" Wooyoung simply said. He had always been fascinated by his dad's caring and gentle nature.

"Let's see how your dad reacts when he learns that I'm your favorite." Jimin said with a smirk, making Wooyoung laugh just by imagining King Jungkook's disappointed face when he'd hear about it.

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