Chapter 7

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"We meet again, pretty robber".

At the unknown voice resonating through the stables, San's whole body stopped moving. He had expected to run into the prince he robbed but he never would have thought It would happen this soon. He only started his job this week, he truly had the worst luck. As San was stuck in his chair, he imagined what was probably going to happen now. He will be fired, not even being able to get one paycheck. King Jimin and Jungkook will probably put him in jail or even worse, have him killed for fooling everyone. The more he thought the more he was getting anxious but the prince's voice cut him in his thoughts.

"You should look at the prince when he speaks to you, Choi San." Wooyoung said in a dull voice. As slowly as possible, with his head bowed, San got up and turned around to face the prince. He didn't dare to look at the man.

"I'm sorry your highness." San said immediately.

"Now look at me." Wooyoung ordered. San took a minute to obey, slowly lifting his head and looking at the prince. He had his arms crossed over his chest and San was expecting to see a mad look on his face but what he saw surprised him. The prince had a playful glint in his gaze, as well as a small smile. He noticed the prince taking a look over from his toes to his head, silently assessing him. San also took the time to do the same, properly looking at the prince. He had already found the man breathtaking when he robbed him. He remembered getting lost in the face of the prince at the time. This time was different, the anxiousness was too big for San to get lost in his infatuation. Yet, he still admired the man. He really had the elegance of a prince. If you looked a little deeper you could see the resemblance he has with his dad, King Jimin from the high cheekbones, to the same gentle, hypnotizing eyes.

"Won't you introduce yourself?" Wooyoung said with cock of his head, instantly cutting into San's thoughts.

"Huh? Sorry your highness, my name is Choi San and I am the new stable boy. Don't hesitate to ask for my help if you ever need your horse ready" San introduced himself with a bow.

"That's what I heard. Now what I want to know is how did you go from stealing people, me included, to being a stable boy for these same royals?" Wooyoung went straight to the point, accusing San of what he was most afraid of.

San really didn't know how to respond to this, should he deny being a robber or admit it, knowing admitting would probably mean going to jail. "I-I-Huh, I don't k-" San didn't have the chance to respond before Wooyoung cut him off.

"I dare you to deny it. I know what I saw. Don't try to lie to me, it could cost you your head you know." Wooyoung playfully threatened the already afraid boy. "Let's try another one, why were you robbing us?"

San went silent but Wooyoung's pressing gaze forced him to lash out.

"Yes I robbed you, so what? I bet we didn't even take much from everything you must have." San lashed out, shocking Wooyoung by how loud and confident he spoke compared to his stressed facade a few minutes ago.

"You are right but it doesn't change the fact you assaulted the prince of this land, shouldn't you plead for your life?" Wooyoung cockily asked, feeling confident the man would fall on his knees.

Instead San let out a huff before he mimicked Wooyoung's position, his arms crossed over his chest, making Wooyoung drool a little at the chest of the stable boy.

"You must be dreaming if you think I'll go begging on my knees for your forgiveness, your highness." San said confidently, not ready to be stepped on by a prince, or anyone for that matter. He already knew the prince wouldn't send him to jail. The fact that the prince was so confident and cocky was enough proof.

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