Chapter 15

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"Continue to glare at Felix like that and his head will explode." A voice whispered close to his ears, effectively stopping Wooyoung from his glaring. He turned around to see Yeosang with a grin on his face.

"That's exactly what I want to see happening right now." Wooyoung replied as he went back to glare at Felix.

"At least smile a little. You are the host so act like it before people leave from being scared of the crown prince's murderous aura." Yeosang added, wanting to help his best friend avoid backlash. The only answer he got was a fake smile from Wooyoung, which will have to do.

Wooyoung spent the next minute just fuming seeing San laugh at what Felix told him. What could have been so funny for San to laugh that brightly to someone else than him? And why was Felix being so touchy? Did he really have to touch his arms and shoulders so much?

"I can see smoke coming out of you. Come on rant to your best friend." Yeosang said to Wooyoung.

"You sure? If you don't plan on being on my side then I won't." Wooyoung answered, his attention now on his cousin.

"I won't offer a second time, Woo."

"You asked for it." Wooyoung said as he fully turned to Yeosang, taking his shoulders in his hands before rambling on every question he had. "Do you think Felix can steal San from me? This snake can really snatch my man like that? You think San is already interested? Look at him smiling, of course he's interested, right? What do I do if he falls completely for Felix? And does this bitch really have to touch my man so much? Look at him putting his hands all over Sannie. Do you think San likes that? I should have been more touchy dammit I knew it. Do you thin-" The prince didn't get the chance to finish his rambling as Yeosang shut him up by roughly tackling his hand on Wooyoung's mouth.

"Fuck. Why did I offer my help?" Yeosang asked himself as Wooyoung watched him with puppy eyes before he licked the hand preventing him from speaking.

Yeosang only let out a shocked gasp, quickly removing his hand. The older took a minute to look at his hand in shock and confusion, wondering how things led to this, his hands wet with saliva.

"You better have a good excuse for this Woo." Yeosang finally said through his gritted teeth as he showed the prince his palm.

"I wasn't done talking." Wooyoung replied, daring Yeosang to hit him by puffing his chest and raising his chin to look taller and more threatening. It didn't get the intended effect as he retreated back from Yeosang death glare and Wooyoung simply decided to not push the other further. "That's what I thought." Yeosang declared with a smirk, knowing Wooyoung was all talk but could never back it up against him.

"Let me summarize, you are basically scared Felix might steal San from you." Wooyoung replied with a simple nod. At the silent answer, Yeosang turned his attention to San and Felix who were still talking to each other even though Felix seemed to be the one mostly engaging in the discussion. He spent a few minutes just observing both of them before turning his attention back on Wooyoung. "I honestly don't think there is anything to worry about." Yeosang concluded.

Wooyoung looked back between San, Felix and Yeosang in confusion. "What do you mean? Are you sure we're talking about the same people? Because I assure you there are a lot of things happening right now that worry me." Wooyoung said desperately as he motioned to the duo on the other side of the room.

"Yes I am watching your precious San being flirted with by prince Felix and I'm telling you there is nothing to worry about." Yeosang said with confidence.

"And why is that? Because I for sure can see Sannie's eye smile directed to this snake when I should be the one to receive it." Wooyoung said with matching confidence.

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