Grape panta

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"rantaro..." I said to myself before bursting into tears and falling to the ground
"who...  w-why would someone kill him..."
I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder
"l/n." a man with deep purple hair said to me.
"w-wait... Oma w-why... why are you here?!"
I recognized the boy. He was Kokichi Oma my middle school friend.
"oh so you remember me!" the boy chuckled.
"i saw you leave for your room when we had introductions, but I was not able to say hi.
And call me kokichi like you used to, y/n" he said with a smile.
"r-right..." I said looking down.
"sooooooo, what's wrong, hey hey!?" kokichi asked in a teasing manner.
"i just can't believe that someone would kill rantaro" I cried.
Kokichi wrapped his arms around me.
"Not like the ultimate supreme leader would care but I guess I care about you."
the purple eyed boy said.
"let's go back to my room I don't care about investigating the body only you right now. Kokichi said smiling.
"Just don't murder me." I stood up with kokichis help.
"i might." the boy said. "That was a lie, I would never."
kokichi started walking.
"h-hey." I yelled.
Kokichi grabbed my hand and started running again but with me to his room.
Soon we arrived.
"hereeee ya go." kokichi handed me a Panta.
I reached for the drink when kokichi snatched it back.
"Hey!!!" I said mad.
"fineeeeee" kokichi handed me back the Panta.
"jeez, your mean." I scoffed jokingly.
"how dare youuuuuu!" Kokichi madly said.
"i gave you Panta so be great full y/nnnnnnnn"
"yeah whatever thanks kokichi." I smiled to myself happily.

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