Not again pt 3

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Y/n pov
I woke up with a terrible pain in my stomach it felt like I was being stabbed again
"Cracker-Jack what's wrong...?" Kokichi tiredly said
"O-oh I-I-I'm Fine sorry!" I was in so much pain but I was able to mutter that much
Kokichi sat up and helped me as well
"Tell me whats wrong y/n?" Kokichi asked in a stern voice
Kokichi then saw the blood that covered my clothing and past of the sheets
"Damnit!" Kokichi shot up from the bed and went to grab some more bandages and some disinfecting wipes
Kokichi soon came back a minute later

"Lift up your shirt y/n" kokichi ordered
(If your female then it's up to your upper waist)
I did. as he said and he started to remove the past bandages on my stomach
"Shit that's a lot of blood" kokichi muttered
Kokichi took the disinfecting wipes and started cleaning the opened wound
I slightly hissed from the pain
"I know it hurts but bear with me"
(Kokichi taking a reference from Monokuma)
After kokichi was done he started to wrap my stomach back up with the bandages
"Thanks..." I said feeling slightly dizzy from the loss of blood
"How ya feeling cracker-Jack?"
It was like he read my mind
"A bit dizzy I guess" I said
Kokichi nodded
"It's about morning so let's go to the dinning hall" kokichi suggested
"Mk that's fine I can't really stand though-" I got cut off
Kokichi picked me up on his back and started walking
"So this is what we are going with since I can't stand"I chuckled
"Nishishi yeah of course" kokichi said
We arrived at the dinning hall but no one was there yet
"Not surprised no one's here" kokichi laughed
I nodded tiredly
Soon Everyone came in and they all noticed the blood on my clothes since I didn't change
"Y/n gonta worried what happened" gonta asked
I didn't hear about any of it since I was about asleep on kokichis back
"Someone attempted to kill Them I'm not sure who and y/n was pretty out of it when it happened" kokichi said
"Gonta says thank you" gonta said
"Ya hungry y/n" kokichi asked
"No..." I said tiredly
"You sure?"
I nodded
"Also kirumi, I really appreciate what you did to help y/n" kokichi smiled
"Or I could be lying nishishi"
"It's no Problem" kirumi responded


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