Thunderstorm comfort/we will make it out of here together

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Y/n pov
thunder crashed
I slightly Whimpered since I have always been afraid of thunder and lightning
Kokichi was out investigating so i was left alone
again thunder crashed
I flinched hard
Time skip three hours at 2:00 am
I was on the verge of tears I was trembling and terrified
I heard the door open
I looked up and I saw kokichi
I leaped towards him into a hug
"H-hey cracker-jack, what are you doing up this late?" Kokichi asked with a smile
I flinched again
"Looks like someone is afraid of thunder huh? Nishishi" kokichi hugged me tightly
"N-no!" I alarmed
A big crash of thunder
I started to cry
"Hey, cracker-jack, your going to be okay I promise nishishi"
I buried my head into his chest and started sobbing
I felt kokichi pick me up and carry me to the bed
"I could maybeeeeeee... cuddle you to make up for not being here ehh?" Kokichi suggested
I nodded my head still being in his chest
Kokichi gently sat me down on the bed and covered me with the blankets
"Want hot chocolate or something?" Kokichi asked
"I-I don't want you to leave" I said still having tears in my eyes
"I'll only be gone for less then three minutes okay?" Kokichi responded
Kokichi left to make the hot chocolate
"When will you come back?" I muttered to myself
After five minutes
"Heyyyyyyy cracker-jack immmm backkkkkk" I heard kokichi say
"What took so long"
"Welllll I may have set the cup on fire" kokichi said
"You dumbass" I chuckled
"Ehhh whatever nishishi, here" kokichi handed me the hot chocolate
"Thanks kokichi"
I smiled softly
"Well it was soooooo Hard so you better like it" kokichi dramatically said
"Yeah i bet it did" I said in a sarcastic tone
"Jeeeeeez your so mean cracker-jack" kokichi wined
"Yes I know" I said
Kokichi scoffed
"Wel scoot over I wanna cuddle" kokichi said
I scooted my way over and kokichi got next to me
Kokichi wrapped his arms around me smiling
"Oh how I love you cracker-jack" kokichi Said
"I love you"
"You seem nervous, are you okay?" Kokichi asked
"Just worried... about you" I muttered
I started to cry
"I-I-I just don't want you to get k-killed!" I said
"Nishishi I won't get killed don't worry about shit like that" kokichi smiled
"I'm still scared"
"We will both make it out of this hell holl alive got it" kokichi said in a stern voice
"O-okay promise?" I asked
"Promise" kokichi responded
Kokichi pov
Me and y/n talked for I while till I could tell they were tired
"You tired or something?" I asked
Y/n hummed in response and buried their head into my chest
"Your so sweet cracker-jack" I said
I wrapped my arms around them and kissed their head
"We will make it out of here... together cracker-jack"
"I love you" I heard them say in an exhausted voice
"Sleep well, I love you cracker-jack"

also kokichi will not die in this cuz he deserves better and I love him so much plus I literally cried when he died
FCK you kaito

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