Ill be here if you need anything pt2

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kokichi pov
They lost consciousness
Blood was everywhere
After a few minutes kirumi came running onto the room with a med kit
"I told you to keep them conscious you idiot" kirumi said
"I-I tried" I muttered
Kirumi had a blood bag in hand also with a iv
"They lost so much blood I'm surprised they are still alive" kirumi said injecting the iv into         
Y/ns skin.
"What are all these scars?" Kirumi asked
"I think you know..." I said looking down at y/n
Kirumi nodded
She put a bandage around y/ns stomach and wrist were the iv was placed
"They should be fine" the maid sighed of relief
"Thanks..." that's all I could mutter out
When kirumi left I place y/n in my lap on the couch
"I'm sorry..." I said with tears in my eyes
Time skip three hours
Y/n pov
I regained consciousness
I felt a sharp pain shoot through my stomach
I opened my eyes to see kokichi
"Y-your awake cracker-Jack" kokichi smiled
I tried to sit up but the pain shot through my body much worse then what it was
"W-what happened?" I muttered from the pain
"I-I'm not sure" Kokichi replied
I tried to sit up again put I felt kokichi push me back down
"Rest, cracker-Jack, please" kokichi Said with sad smile
I nodded and laid back down
"Thanks." Kokichi said
After a few minutes I felt kokichi pick me up gently
I didn't really care I just kept my eyes closed
"We're going back to my room okay?" Kokichi asked
I nodded
Kokichi soon started walking to his room with me in his arms
When we arrived kokichi put me down on the bed gently
"Here" kokichi handed me pain killers and water
"It may be Hard to eat and drink but you need to try"
I relised that kokichi had been more serious and worried lately
Kokichi helped me sit up and I took the pill
"Thanks" I said before kokichi helped me lay back down and he turned off the lights
"Get some rest I put some water on the night stand if you want it and if you need any help with anything at all just ask me and I'll surely help"
kokichi smiled getting next to me on the bed.


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