Sleep well

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Y/n pov
I woke up to kokichi shaking my shoulder slightly
"Hmmmmm" I groaned
"Come one it's 11:00 cracker-Jack." Kokichi said
"I still don't feel well" I sat up slowly
"Awwww is y/n still sick" kokichi teased
"Are you not hungry"
"I haven't eaten in three days" I said
Kokichi seemed shocked and worried
"Just not hungry or?"
I nodded
"Okay that's fine but it this continues we're going to tell kirumi got it" kokichi stated
"Yeah okay"
Kokichi put on a soft smile "we're goin to the dinning hall okay?"
"All right"  I responded
We both stood up and started walking
Kokichi pov
I noticed that y/n looked a bit worse then yesterday sick wise
I was Walking slowly to make sure they could keep up
"Annnnnd here we areeeeee" I smiled
I saw y/n but on a small grin
"Oh y/n how are you feeling gonta worried" gonta rushes up to y/n
"Yeah I'm feeling better thanks" they responded
I new they were lying
"Come on" I got a bit jealous and pulled y/n away
"O-okay bye gonta thanks" y/n smiled
I pulled y/n into a hidden room and hugged them tightly
"W-what's wrong" they asked in a sincere voice
"You don't have to lie I can see right through you idiot" I had tears in my eyes
"I'll be fine don't worry about me okay" they said
"I'm worried cracker-Jack" I replied
"We're you jealous of me and gonta talking" y/n asked in a stern voice
I nodded
"Y/n smiled
"Okay then how about we go to your room and hang out just us?" They asked
I nodded still having a grip on them
"Okay let's go kokichi" y/n said
I followed y/n to the dorm
Y/n pov
When I closed the door to the room I felt someone pull me into an embrace
"Awe someone's clingy" I said
"Shut up"
After a few minutes kokichi climbed up into the bed patting the spot next to him
I wanted to see if I could fluster kokichi so I insisted climbed into his lap and laid down on his chest
Kokichi slightly blushed
"W-what are you doing?" He asked
"I want cuddles" I said
He just blushes even more
Smiled but I wasn't lying about wanting cuddles
"F-fine if you really want some"
I smiled again and closed my eyes
I wasn't planning on sleeping but I was so tired
Kokichi pov
I looked down to see y/ns head buried into my chest asleep
I smiled to myself and stroked their hair gently
It was so soft
Sleep well

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