A knife

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Y/n pov
I walked to the dinning hall
I saw the plate of knives and I decided to take on take one for myself
I tried to run to my room without anyone seeing me
"Are you planning to kill someone or some shit" miu scoffed
"Hmmmm, yeah no" I slammed my door shut
I hope kokichi won't come in here
I ran the blade across my skin leaving blood dripping from my arm
I smiled
I may have gone I bit to crazy and left a lot of marks
Radle radle
The door slammed open
"H-HEY PUT THAT DOWN NOW!!!" Kokichi ran towards me and tried to take the knife from my hand
Bloody still ran down my arm dripping to the ground
"Why..." kokichi muttered still trying to grab the knife
Kokichi tried to hit the knife out of my hand wich made me cut my arm deep
I winced in pain grasping my arm
Much more blood poured from my arm
My voice was very shaky and unsteady
"Shit y/n" kokichi muttered
Kokichi took the knife from my injured arm and put it in his pocket while trying to stop the bleeding from my arm
I started to feel dizzy and nauseous
"Y/n! Stay with me okay!" Kokichi yelled
Kokichi wrapped his bandana around my arm
Kokichi pulled me to the bed to sit down but I didn't budge
"Sit down y/n your not in any state to stand" Kokichi said
My vision went fuzzy and I felt my senses fade
That was the last thing I heard before I blacked out
Kokichi pov
"Shit shit shit" i Said to myself
Y/n blacked out and kirumi isn't even here
I went to grab some bandages
I gently wrapped them around y/ns arms and laid them down
"You need rest"
Y/n pov
I woke up to see kokichis eyes red and puffy
"Y-your awake!" Kokichi said
"Were you...crying?" I asked in a genuine voice
"N-no the supreme leader never cries"
"Okay maybe that was a lie but I care about you" kokichi whined
I smiled gently to myself and pulled kokichi into a hug
"Thank you kokichi"

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