I have one job for you Y/n pt 1

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Kokichi pov
The next day I started walked over to y/ns room about to ask her something
Nock nock
Y/n opens the door
"Oh, kokichi i wasn't expecting you" y/n smiled
"U-umm" I stuttered
"Do you want to maybe want to look around the school with me?" I asked
"Oh yeah I'd love to" they smiled
Y/n pov
I felt someone grab my wrist and start running to the dining hall
I couldn't run as fast as kokichi and soon enough I felt my legs give out and I fell to the ground
"Nihihi, can cracker-Jack not run fast oh you poor thing."
Kokichi had a childish smile on
I stood up slightly panting
Kokichi seemed unfazed by the fast running but on the other-hand I was pretty much a mess
Kokichi sighed
Kokichi picked me up on his back and started running making sure he didn't drop me
"W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I stuttered
Kokichi didn't answer me but instead had that childish giggle
I rested my head in the crook of the purple haired boys neck and I guess I fell asleep
Kokichi pov
"Y/n ya good up there?" I asked
"You've been awfully quiet"
Y/n didn't answer me all I could hear is there almost silent breathing
"D'ya fall asleep" I smiled
I had a genuine smile plastered all over my face
I gently kissed the top of their head and started walked to the library
When I arrived I gently put y/n down on the couch in the library
I grabbed a book and sat down next to the sleeping y/n
Y/n pov
I slowly woke up and I noticed that I was on a couch with someone next to me
I opened my eyes to see kokichi smiling at me softly
"Were are we..." I asked In a tired voice
"We're just in the library." Kokichi said
"I'll be right back" kokichi walked off to get something
I closed my eye again
After at least three minutes I felt a sharp pain shoot through my stomach
"Heh" I heard someone snicker
I felt like something pierced my stomach
I was berly able to open my eyes but when I did I saw a stab wound with hot pink blood pouring from the wound
I also saw a female figure walk away with a smile
I wasn't able to make out who it was because of the pain
I tried to sit up and walk but I felt my legs give out
At the last moment I felt something catch me
"C-cracker-Jack... WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!" Kokichi yelled
I was in to much pain to say anything
"I called kirumi she should be here in a minute" the purple haired man said
I suddenly started to feel dizzy and my eyes grew heavy
"Shit so much blood" i heard kokichi Mutter
I felt kokichi put some cloth on the wound to try and stop the bleeding
"I have one job for you, stay conscious." Kokichi had worry all in his voice
I tried to nod
After a few seconds my vision started to grow bleary and my vision went black
That was the last thing I heard before I lost consciousness

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