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After class trial
"Kirumi Tojo is the culprit"
Y/n pov
I stood there looking at the screen showing kirumis execution
I felt tears gather in my eyes
"Cracker-Jack?" I felt kokichi tap my shoulder I
"WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" I snapped at kokichi
I had tears running down my face
"O-oh sorry..." kokichi Said in a sad tone regretting talking
"Sorry..." I responded
"Nishishi it's fine!" Kokichi smiled
I looked back at the screen forgetting about kirumi
I then saw kirumi Fall to the ground
Blood, blood everywhere
I winced in fear
Kokichi grabbed my sleeve pulling me over to his room wich kinda became both of ours
I was trembling still trying to process what just happened
"Cracker-Jack" kokichi said
I hummed in response
"Stay close to me for now on all right? I'm scared I don't want you to get hurt so please stay with me" kokichi said in a stern voice
"Yeah of course" I smiled
Kokichi pulled me into a hug and gently kissed my lips
"Thank you" kokichi Said before putt his head into the crook of my neck
"I can't believe kirumi was the culprit she helped us all so much" I staid tears gathering in my eyes
"Yes she did but don't let her death bring you down. We will get out of this shitty game together all right" kokichi said
"I probably won't survive  but I know you will" i smiled
"You idiot yes you are!!!" Kokichi yelled at me with tears in his eyes
"You will not die got it?!?!?!" Kokichi was mad
Tears streamed down his face
I pulled him into another hug
"I'll try"
"Don't try you will survive nishishi"

A/n sorry this was a short chapter but I have another idea with insane angst and fluff >:)

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