Get better soon

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Y/n pov
I woke up to be in the arms of kokichi but I suddenly felt like I was going to throw up
I instantly shot up from the bed and sprinted to the bathroom
Despite the pain in my stomach i jolted to the toilet
I felt like I was going to throw up
"Y/n what's wrong?!" Kokichi was right outside of the door sprinting towards me
I fell back to the wall behind me
"I feel like shit" I said tiredly
Kokichi wrapped his arms around me
"Do you want me to call kirumi?" Kokichi asked
I shook my head
"I'll be fine"
Kokichi picked me up and wrapped his jacket around me staring to head to the dinning hall for food
"What happened?" Maki asked
"It looks like y/ns sick." Kirumi responded for me
"It's probably something from our movie night last night kokichi said
I hummed in response
"Who's jacket is that it doesn't look like it's your style?" Himiko asked me
"It's mine" kokichi was getting tired of all the questions
"Can we leave kokichi..." I asked tiredly
"Monokuma has an announcement!" Monokuma said jumping out from the floor
"Monokuma could y/n and I be excused their sick?" Kokichi asked
"Nope! I have an important announcement"
Kokichi sighed
"We can't leave yet, let's sit down cracker-Jack?"
I nodded
Kokichi went to the table and sat down with me still in his arms
"Soooo, get killing already it's been like a month and only one death, if there is none in the next three weeks you all die!"
Monokuma announced
I didn't hear much since all the noise was drowned out by my thoughts and I was almost asleep
I felt kokichi slightly flinch so I new something was off but I was to tired to ask
"Annnnd y/n" Monokuma said
I didn't hear anything
"Oh ignoring the headmaster is strictly against the rules y/n" Monokuma grinned
"Monokuma,I can tell them what they need there pretty out of it" kokichi said
"Fine i guess I'll make an exception but tell them they a easy target for killing in this weak state"
"I'll protect you" kokichi muttered
Kokichi pov
We were finally able to leave to head to our respective rooms
Y/n seemed out of it
"You ya hanging in there cracker-Jack?" I asked
Y/n just hummed in response
I smiled at them softly and opened the door to my room
I gently sat y/n down on the bed
"I'll be right back here is the key make sure to lock the door"
With that I walked out to mind Monokuma
"Monokuma?!" I called out
Just like that he popped out
"What does the ultimate supreme leader need?" Monokuma asked
"Could I have some medicine for y/n there sick as you know" I asked
"Lemme think, yeah sure whatever"
Monokuma handed me some medicine and left
I started to make my way to the room and lock picked the door
"Looks like they had enough energy to lock the door Mk" I thought to myself
"There asleep" I muttered looking at y/n with a smile
I put the medication on the night stand along with a water
"Get better soon"

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