✨You drew the stars around my scars✨

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Y/n pov
I woke up to the feeling that something was pinning me down
I slowly opened my eyes to see kokichi
"Goooooood morninnnnn cracker-Jack" the purple eyed boy in front of me said with a big smile
I turned my back to kokichi
"I'm still tireeddddddd" I groaned
Kokichi put his arms around me again
I got all flustered and flinched
"W-WHY AM I IN YOUR ROOM?!" I intents shot up from the bed
Kokichi walked over the drawer and took out the pocket knife
"This bring back Any thing?" Kokichi asked holding the pocket knife in the air with a slightly concerned look plastered on his face
"O-oh yeah..."
I started to gather tears in my eyes
Kokichi sat down next to me again
"Is there any more that I need to know about"
(Talking about sh scars)
"Ummm..." I looked looked away from kokichi and down at the ground
I hesitantly nodded
"Change into clothes were I can see them please cracker-Jack" kokichi looked down
I stood up and headed out of the room to head to mine
I closed the door to my room and started to cry
I fell against the door
"Why...why did kokichi have to see... why him?!" I angrily asked myself
After a few minutes kokichi nocked on my door
"Y/n it's me kokichi!" Kokichi had concern written all over his voice
My voice was shaking but I was able to mutter out "coming!"
"Y/n what's wrong were you crying?!" Kokichi asked barging into the room
I was able to jump away from the door before kokichi opened in my I hit my head into my bed
"Y/n... I'm so sorry are you okay?!" Kokichi ran toward me
"Y-yeah" I was lying that really hurt
Kokichi put his hand behind my hand and saw that hot pink blood on his hand
"Then what's this?" Kokichi showed me his hand
"Oh so that's why it hurt" I said
"Yeah no shit" kokichi Said as he helped me up
"It's not to Bad so you should be fine but I'm still worried" kokichi pulled me into a hug
"Or I could be lying nishishi" kokichi giggled
He had sincere in his voice when he said he was worried so I think he was telling the truth
"Now scars" kokichi rushed
"R-Right!" I said
I've already changed into the shorts to show the scars on my thighs
"Sit down" kokichi ordered spotting the scars
I sat down but then kokichi pulled out a sharpie
"W-what are you doing?!" I asked
Kokichi didn't answer my question but instead starting drawing stars over my wrist and thighs
The same were my scars were
Kokichi smiled softly and once he was done he pulled me into yet another hug
"I love you"
I blushed my those words but then it started to make sense
.he was always kind to me
.always worried about me
.tells me the truth
I smiled but then he did the unthinkable
He kissed me
"Will you take the honer of being my second in command and my (s/o)" kokichi asked Kissing my hand gently
"I smiled softly and agreed"

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